A.T. Juniper (Liverpool), Ltd.

Allerton, Liverpool L18 5JB


About A.T. Juniper (Liverpool), Ltd.


Marshall Works, 5-17 Bleasdale Road
Allerton, Liverpool L18 5JB
United Kingdom

More Info on A.T. Juniper (Liverpool), Ltd.

Atjuniperliverpoolltd 10017976

A.T. Juniper has designed and manufactured a comprehensive range of servicing equipment for military, industrial and commercial operators world wide. Range of equipment includes the following: Compressor washing rigs (aircraft and industrial); oil replenishment equipment; inhibiting rigs; hydraulic rigs/guns; foaming systems, (aircraft and industrial); and aircraft vacuum toilet cleaning system.

Products and Press Releases

2x25enginecompressorwashrig 10027071
Shop Equipment

Engine Compressor Wash Rig

July 2, 2014
The 2x25 gallon engine compressor washing rig is the mainstay of the Juniper range. Versatile enough to tackle most engines when partnered with our growing list of wash probes...
Universal2x25galloncompressorwashrig 10027068
Shop Equipment

Universal 2x25 gallon compressor wash rig

Oct. 21, 2008
Juniper's 2x25 gallon engine compressor washing rig gives excellent service to more than 130 airlines worldwide and this latest military version incorporates some important modification...


Phil Burbridge


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