How FBO’s Can Make or Break the Overall Flight Experience

March 9, 2017

Unlike commercial aviation where the time spent before and after the flight is pretty standard and doesn’t vary much depending on the class you’re flying (although better waiting lounges for business or first class), private aviation is much more than just a luxury ride in the skies. The business aviation experience starts and ends in an FBO (private terminal), a place that must meet the high standards of the inflight service that was or will be provided. For an FBO, the time-efficiency variable will define its overall success.

But there are other pieces in the puzzle, naturally. And one of them is infrastructure. FBO’s, often called private terminals, come in different sizes and colors and are often separated from the actual airport, although in some cases they might be a small lounge within a larger terminal. In fact, once you book a private flight you are given the address of the FBO, where you will be welcomed by the captain and then walk straight to the jet in just minutes (after a swift security and immigration check procedure).

Once there, good FBO’s have refreshments, wifi access, conference rooms, cafeteria and bathroom facilities as a standard. Oh, and “free” car parking as well. After you paid $5,000 for a private flight you would assume you can leave your car at the facilities or receive a courtesy taxi if you don’t want to drive. Think again; not every FBO provides that service nor has the space to do so, and asking before your flight if these amenities are included is suggested. These types of surprises are not welcome.

Some private jet operators have their own FBO facilities, but the vast majority of operators outsource these services. What’s a better option for the passenger? It really doesn’t matter as long as the overall services are in hand with the inflight luxury experience.

Today, there is a wide array of FBO companies serving at airports, the larger the airport, the bigger the chances that your private flight operator will have to choose from a handful of FBO services. Depending on the needs of the flight and the passenger’s requirements, a competitive price for fuel, hangaring, parking and the service provided by its first-class private terminal will all come into play in order to make the perfect decision.

Felipe Reisch is a communications professional with experience in the South America and U.S. aviation industry, specifically in the BizAv market. He holds a Master’s Degree in Corporate Communications and Reputation Management from The University of Manchester, and works as a Public Relations Manager for Monarch Air Group in Fort Lauderdale, U.S.A. He'll respond to questions or comments at [email protected].

About the Author

Felipe Reisch | Public Relations Manager