Duncan Aviation Delivers Citation XLS With Fully Hydrodipped Cabinetry
Duncan Aviation recently delivered a 2007 Citation XLS with hydrodipped cabinetry and an FMS upgrade. This was the first aircraft of its size to receive fully hydrodipped cabinetry from Duncan Aviation.
Duncan Aviation Completions & Modifications Sales Rep Angie Coleman says, "Being able to dip an entire cabinet of an XLS is truly an accomplishment. Although the design possibilities are endless and hydrodipping is a more cost-effective solution compared to a reveneer, the process still requires the same attention to detail, which is where the Duncan Aviation Finish Team excels."
Critical to the success of the Duncan Aviation Finish Shop is the mechanization they developed for the hydrodipping process. The mechanical arm, which is used to dip components, makes the process more consistent and manageable for larger components, such as a galley cabinet.
Duncan Aviation Finish Shop Team Leader Chris Nelson says they can hydrodip nearly anything.
“We have hydrodipped larger components in the past, but this is the first galley we have hydrodipped using the arm,” Nelson says. “The arm allows for our team to dip large objects with ease, and mitigate the possibility of imperfections. We are always looking for ways to stay innovative and deliver the best possible products of the highest quality to our customers.”
Duncan Aviation Interior Manager Jared Stauffer says that the creativity of the team and their passion for serving customers’ needs is demonstrated by this project.
“As customer demand increased for larger monuments, Nelson and his team identified local talent to customize a tool that met our needs,” Stauffer says. “I’m proud of this team’s ability to adapt to our customers’ needs and engineer solutions to meet their requests.”