Unitron manufactures a complete line of 400Hz GPUs with output power ratings ranging from 20kVA to over 180kVA. The units are available in mobile, towable, freestanding or boarding-bridge mounted configurations. All Unitron GPUs supply clean, quiet, reliable ground power and are suitable for both ramp and hangar operations.
Unitron’s upgraded GPUs, designated its “U Series” offer features, many of which have not yet been offered to the ground support equipment markets. The series offers 400Hz AC, 28VDC, and 270VDC outputs. It is CE and UL compliant/certified and meets the NEC and EN-60079-10, 18-inch regulations for hangar safety standards. Other features include additional safety with top down cooling airflow; cockpit remote on/off control; advanced communication and diagnostics features – AID & CARE; two alternative operator displays: digital or touch screen; advanced self-diagnostics; external communication ports "USB and Ethernet" for software upgrades and maintenance troubleshooting; “GREEN features;” and energy conservation by sleep mode operation. For more information visit www.unitronlp.com.
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