Zodiac Aerospace to Display on Board Oxygen Generation System in Cessna T-206 for 2013 EAA AirVenture
Lancaster, NY--July 12, 2013-- The Oxygen Systems Division of Zodiac Aerospace, which last year unveiled a revolutionary new on-board oxygen generation system (OBOGS) and General Aviation Crew Mask for light, unpressurized single and twin engine aircraft at the Experimental Aircraft Association’s (EAA’s) AirVenture in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, has moved forward in its development and certification program for the unit and will exhibit it installed on a Cessna Turbo 206 during AirVenture 2013.
The INFINIOX™ system will provide a continuous supply of oxygen for four persons up to an altitude of 25,000 feet, without the use of flow indicators that require users to vary flow rates. It is designed to replace traditional high pressure oxygen cylinders and can be used with existing glass cockpit avionics, or operate as a standalone retrofit system with an integrated display panel.
“Zodiac Aerospace has continued the development of the OBOGS for general aviation applications throughout the past twelve months and we are currently involved in precertification testing with an anticipated introduction into service by the end of the year,” said Mark Gilson, Director of Business Management for Zodiac Oxygen Systems US.
“This system will make oxygen available anytime, anywhere without concerns about depleting the on-board supply or servicing and refilling the high pressure oxygen cylinder. Pilot and passenger safety will be ensured by the ability to establish a constant flow rate for everyone on board,” he added.
Powered by 28 volt DC current, the INFINIOX™ unit is 8 inches in diameter with an overall length of 28 inches. It is also designed to integrate with state-of-the-art aircraft avionics for system monitoring and fault annunciation and is fully protected against electromagnetic or radio frequency interference.
The complete OBOGS unit will be displayed at EAA Exhibit spaces 127-128, near Hangar D. The Cessna Turbo 206 in which the unit has been installed is owned by Yingling Aviation in Wichita, Kansas. Yingling’s highly-regarded avionics shop is actively participating in the development and certification process and will be among sites providing retrofit installations once the OBOGS enters the marketplace.
About Zodiac Aerospace’s Oxygen Systems Division
Using innovative equipment and techniques, coupled with visionary product engineering and a quality, customer-focused workforce, Zodiac Aerospace is continually expanding the application of respiratory protection products and improving product lines to meet the changing needs of the customer. A leader in providing Oxygen System solutions to the aviation world, Zodiac Aerospace’s Oxygen Systems Division encompasses well-regarded manufacturer AVOX Systems Inc., which has been supporting the aviation industry for over eighty (80) years.