'Women Soar You Soar' Helps High School-age Girls Discover Aviation at EAA® AirVenture® OSHKOSH

April 7, 2014
Activities over the four-day session, July 28-31, include flight simulators, workshops, sessions with aviation personalities, and insider access during the AirVenture air shows.

EAA AVIATION CENTER, OSHKOSH, Wis. — (April 7, 2014) — EAA’s Women Soar You Soar program, which allows 100 high school-age girls discover more about aviation and all its possibilities from aviators, engineers and leaders during EAA® AirVenture® OshkoshTM, is scheduled for July 28-31 and now open for registration.

The Women Soar You Soar program is welcoming both enrollees as well as female mentors from the aviation and aerospace fields. The program’s unique 100-to-25 attendees-to-mentor ratio provides a tremendous opportunity for young women to discover all the possibilities within the world of flight, with the possibility to ask questions of women who are already noteworthy and established in the field.

“The close-knit community between girls and the mentors creates a bond during Women Soar You Soar that is unlike any similar program within aviation or technology,” said Janine Diana, EAA’s vice president of people and culture. “Add to that the excitement and fun at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh – The World’s Greatest Aviation Celebration – and it creates an unforgettable adventure for young women who are just discovering where they want to go in life.”

Activities over the four-day session include flight simulators, workshops, sessions with aviation personalities, and insider access during the AirVenture air shows. Participants have accommodations at the nearby University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, which also hosts a career workshop designed for young women who are just beginning to explore career paths.

Cost is $75 per participant. More information and registration materials are now available at www.airventure.org/womensoar. The program also welcomes additional mentors who are women from all walks of the aviation and aerospace community, and want to give back to the next generation.

Women Soar You Soar is supported by Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Women in Aviation International, The Ninety-Nines Inc., International Society of Transport Aircraft Trading, and Jerry and Lori Fussell.

About EAA AirVenture Oshkosh

EAA AirVenture Oshkosh is “The World’s Greatest Aviation Celebration” and EAA’s yearly membership convention. Additional EAA AirVenture information, including advance ticket and camping purchase, is available online at www.airventure.org. EAA members receive lowest prices on admission rates. For more information on EAA and its programs, call 1-800-JOIN-EAA (1-800-564-6322) or visit www.eaa.org. Immediate news is available at www.twitter.com/EAAupdate

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