Texas Legislative General Aviation Caucus is Moving Full Speed Ahead for the 85th Session
Austin, Texas, February 9, 2017 --The Texas Legislative General Aviation Caucus met for the first time this session in Austin, Texas. New officers were elected and a presentation was provided by the Texas Department of Transportation Aviation Director on the importance of General Aviation in Texas.
Outgoing Chairman Rep. John Kuempel started off the meeting discussing the importance of general aviation to the state of Texas and its economic impact.
“Texas is a large state and general aviation plays a key role in more ways than folks realize. This caucus has been a forum for learning about the industry’s positive economic impacts, jobs and lifesaving capabilities,” he said.
With that, the representative directed the election of new officers.
Rep. John Cyrier was elected Chairman, Rep. John Frullo remains Vice Chair and Rep. J.M. Lozano and Rep. Kuempel were voted in as Treasurer and Secretary, respectively.
Cyrier, a licensed pilot, was enthusiastic about being elected by his colleagues to Chair the General Aviation Caucus, “I am honored to have been elected by my colleagues to be the next Chairman of the Texas Legislative General Aviation Caucus. I am looking forward to working alongside my fellow pilots and aviation enthusiasts during the upcoming session.”
Cyrier introduced special guest Robert Sumwalt, board member of the NTSB (National Transportation Safety Board). He then introduced David Fulton, aviation director for the Texas Department of Transportation who gave a presentation on the role the Aviation Division plays in Texas and the importance of General Aviation to the State.
The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) took the opportunity to present Kuempel with the “Silk Scarf” award. The NBAA Silk Scarf Award is presented to honor outstanding business aviation community members and inspire future aviators.
Steve Hadley, from NBAA, presented the award to Kuempel saying, “We wanted to honor Rep. Kuempel for sharing the importance of the general aviation industry in Texas by initiating the Texas Legislative General Aviation Caucus and taking on the role as its first leader these past six years.”
Others in the audience who welcomed in the newly elected officials included Alexander “Tripp” Riedel from Valero Energy, Joey Colleran from Redbird Flight Simulations, Shelly deZevallos with Texans for General Aviation, and staff from several legislative offices.
Texans for General Aviation is statewide non profit association formed to educate and inform the citizens of Texas about the importance protecting general aviation in Texas. For any comments or questions, email: [email protected].