Aeroservicios USA Inc.

Miami, FL 33142


About Aeroservicios USA Inc.

Worldwide Ground Support Equipment supplier and manufacturer of new and used ramp equipment. We sell, rent or lease!!

Product Summary

Manufacture, Sell, rent and lease new or used GSE.


3750 NW 49th St.
Miami, FL 33142
United States

More Info on Aeroservicios USA Inc.

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Aeroservicios USA Inc., sells, rents and leases used and new ground support equipment (GSE) to general, commercial, cargo and private aviation, ground handlers, airports, airlines, FBOs and other GSE businesses worldwide. We recondition, (making it 100% operational) or overhaul (adapting it to new-0.00 hours) our own ramp equipment as well as manufacture some of our own lines. 

Products and Press Releases


2025 Ford F-600 BTT 7G Bobtail

Nov. 14, 2024
This new Bobtail F-600/BTT 7G features a stronger and heavier chassis with a 57 percent higher GVWR compared to the F-350 (22,000 GVWR vs. 14,000 GVWR). It offers a towing capacity...
Lavatory Lc 155155 02
Lav & Potable Water Carts & Accessories

Lavatory Service Cart STD-LC-155/155

Oct. 17, 2023
The Lavatory LC-155/155 is designed with a generous capacity of 155 gallons for both flush and waste. It also comes equipped with a water meter, a reliable Honda WB20X gasoline...
Lavatory%20 Cart Lce 110110 02
Lav & Potable Water Carts & Accessories

Lavatory Service Cart LCE-110/110

Oct. 17, 2023
The Lavatory LC-110/110 is designed with a polyethylene water tank with capacity of 110 gallons for both flush and waste. It also comes equipped with a water meter, filling coupler...
Pci 300
Lav & Potable Water Carts & Accessories

Potable Service Cart PCI-300

Oct. 16, 2023
Designed with the brand's Standard GSE, the Potable STD-PCI-300 has a 300-gallon stainless steel tank capacity. The engine is a Honda WB20X, equipped with tanks and pump compartments...
Lci 250
Lav & Potable Water Carts & Accessories

Lavatory Service Cart LCI-250

Oct. 16, 2023
Designed with the brand's Standard GSE, the Lavatory STD-LCI-250 has a capacity of waste 150 gallons and flush 100 gallons. The engine is a Honda WB15TA, equipped with tanks, ...
As Towbar%20 Clyde%2015 F3495

Tow Bar Clyde 15F3495

Oct. 13, 2023
Tow Bar 2023 for B737 (100–900 Series), fully retractable hydraulic running gear for adjustable height with a safety lock system to avoid separation from aircraft. Also, with ...
As Baggage%20 Tiger%20 Tractor
Baggage Handling Equipment & Accessories

Baggage Tractor TIG-50

Oct. 13, 2023
This Tow Tractor is a proven product with 3,000 to 6,000 lb. (3.3 to 26.7 kN) drawbar pull. It is available with multiple engine packages to meet various environmental conditions...
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Standard GSE

Aug. 14, 2023
Aeroservicios USA will exhibit its own GSE brand, including lavatory carts and trucks, potable carts and trucks, bobtail trucks and aluminum stairs, all of which are manufactured...
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Baggage Handling Equipment & Accessories

Baggage Tractor Tug MA-50

Aug. 1, 2023
The MA is a time-tested, field proven tow tractor with 3,000 to 6,000 pounds (1,362 to 2,722 kg) drawbar pull. The engine is a Cummins B3.3 diesel model. All systems and components...
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Baggage Handling Equipment & Accessories

Baggage Tractor Tug M1A50

Aug. 1, 2023
The Tug M1A50 Baggage Tractor offers a capacity of 6,250 lb. GVW. This used vehicle is a 1995 model with a Perkins 1004 engine, a wheelbase of 60" and a maximum ground clearance...

Articles & News

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Airports & Municipalities

Brazil’s Airports Scramble To Modernize

April 17, 2013
Most press accounts say Brazil is woefully behind schedule in airport and other infrastructure improvements as it prepares to host the World Cup next year.


Guillermo Gonzalez

Estimates, Sales and Rentals

Gabriel Serrano

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All content from Aeroservicios USA Inc.

Btt 7 G
Pushbacks, Tractors & Utility Vehicles

Bob Tail Truck

Oct. 13, 2021
This Bob Tail Truck is built on a new F-350 chassis and offers a gas engine. Ideal for towing GSE long distances, the truck has a capacity of 55,000 or 75,000 pounds, LED and ...
Std Km20, Sf
Pushbacks, Tractors & Utility Vehicles

Baggage Tractor - Standard GSE, Model STD-KM20

Sept. 9, 2019
Engine: Nissan K25, gasoline, 2.5l 4 Cylinder. 2500 RPM 60 HP, Made in Japan. Graziano Transmission, Made in Italy • Cyclone air cleaner • Alternation with IC regulator • Integrated...
Img 3d171
Catering & Cleaning Equipment

2019 Catering Truck - Super Duty F-650

Sept. 9, 2019
Engine: 6.8L 3V SEFI V10 Gasoline Transmission:Ford TorqShift HD 6-Speed Automatic Double Overdrive, less PTO Provision Brakes:Hydraulic Brake System - Bosch HydroMax Box 20 Ft...
Inkedtrucktt Li
Lav & Potable Water Carts & Accessories

Stinar SPW 350 Potable Truck

Feb. 11, 2019
With a Ford F-350 XL SuperDuty chassis, the Stinar SPW 350 Potable Truck features a 500 gallon water tank.
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Lav & Potable Water Carts & Accessories

Wollard TLS-770 Lavatory Truck

Feb. 11, 2019
Sporting a Ford F-350 XL SuperDuty chassis, the TLS-770 Lavatory Truck features a 400 gallon capacity waste tank and 260 gallon capacity flush tank.
Passenger Loading Systems, Boarding Bridges, Stairs & Jetways

Wollard TMPS-200 Stair Truck

Feb. 11, 2019
With a Ford F-350 XL SuperDuty chassis, the Wollard TMPS-200 Stair Truck allows quick unloading of all aircraft with door sill heights from 100 to 200 feet. Stairs support two...
Potable Cart Pc 155
Lav & Potable Water Carts & Accessories

Aeros PC 155 Potable Water Cart

Feb. 11, 2019
Aeros PC 155 Potable Water Cart features a 155-gallon poly water tank with a Briggs & Stratton 550 engine Pacer Pump.
Dsc 0901
Lav & Potable Water Carts & Accessories

Aeros LC 155 Lavatory Service Cart

Feb. 11, 2019
The Aeros LC 155 Lavatory Service Cart features both a 155 gallon water and waste water poly tank with a Briggs & Stratton 550 engine Pacer Pump.
Aeros 1
Passenger Loading Systems, Boarding Bridges, Stairs & Jetways

Aeros 95-145 Aircraft Boarding Stairs

Feb. 11, 2019
Aeroservicios’ Aeros 95-145 aircraft boarding stairs feature an all-aluminum construction with 45 inch wide aluminum diamond plated steps, sliding hand rails with locks, a battery...