GSE Aviation Intl Inc

Suffolk, VA 23432


About GSE Aviation Intl Inc


5960 Godwin Blvd
PO Box 2445
Suffolk, VA 23432
United States

More Info on GSE Aviation Intl Inc

GSE Aviation has in stock any size aircraft air conditioner adapter at wholesale prices. 8" to 12" and 8" to 14" and straight 8" or Mini Milo - Delta Spec Adapter. All brands of test equipment from test avionics to lab equipment. Kollsman, Collins, Fluke, Biddle, HP and NDT testing.

Products and Press Releases

Mvc015s 10177489
Fueling Equipment & Accessories

Any and all Fuel Fittings Carter and OPW

Oct. 8, 2008
Call for inventory of Carter and OPW under wing and over wing fuel nozzels. As well as fuel truck fittings.
Mobileandfixedaircraftcoolingheaterspareparts 10026946
Air Starts & Accessories

Gearbox for 652D and 952D Heat and Airconditioner Carts

Oct. 8, 2008
GSE Aviation has in stock any size aircraft airconditioner adapter at wholesale prices. 8" to 12" and 8" to 14" and straight 8" or Mini Milo - Delta Spec Adapter. All brands of...
Foamfirefightingcart 10024673
Fire Extinguishing Systems

Foam Fire Fighting Cart

June 22, 2007
Direct Supply Inc. offers the Tri-Max 30 600 gallon Foam Fire Fighting Cart by Stanley Aviation.
Metalflawdetectors 10024809
Inspection & Testing

Metal Flaw Detectors

June 22, 2007
Direct Supply Inc. offers the Hocking Eddy Current Metal Flaw Detector Test Set and Krautkramer's USD155 Metal Flaw Detector Test Set as well as provides liquidation and estimation...


Mark Harris


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