Textron GSE - Douglas Equipment Ltd.

Cheltenham GL51 0AB


About Textron GSE - Douglas Equipment Ltd.


Village Road, Arle
Cheltenham GL51 0AB
+44 (0)1242 527921
+44 (0)1242 221198

More Info on Textron GSE - Douglas Equipment Ltd.

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Douglas Equipment manufactures a market leading range of Towbarless Aircraft Handling Tractors, designed for handling aircraft up to and including the Airbus A380, that offer airlines and ground handling companies significant opportunities to reduce operational costs and improve operational efficiency. The Tugmaster range of Conventional Aircraft Tow Tractors with ballasted weights up to 70 tonnes also handle all aircraft up to and including the A380. Douglas also manufactures a range of baggage, cargo and equipment towing tractors, along with the Mu-Meter Runway Friction Measuring Equipment and Self Wetting Systems. Douglas Towbarless Tractors, Conventional Tractors and Mu-Meters are in operation worldwide.   

Products and Press Releases

Mu Meter 613fbtd1omzmy Cuf


Jan. 29, 2019
Reliable, repeatable runway friction measurement. The Douglas Mu-Meter consists of a small three-wheeled trailer incorporating sophisticated electronic measuring and sensing systems...
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Pushbacks, Tractors & Utility Vehicles

TBL-280 Towbarless Tractor

Oct. 26, 2017
The Douglas TBL-280 towbarless aircraft handling tractor is designed for pushback, inter-gate towing and longer distance maintenance towing operations at higher speeds.
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Pushbacks, Tractors & Utility Vehicles

Douglas Aircraft Towing Tractors

Sept. 26, 2008
A complete range of towbarless and conventional aircraft towing tractors for handling all aircraft up to and including the A380, offering airlines and ground handling companies...

Articles & News

Michael Doane alongside a Douglas TBL 280 Towbarless Tractor on the day he officially 'retired.' Doane a 50-year career with Douglas Equipment, 35 of those spent selling and marketing the company's GSE.
GSE Distributors, Suppliers & Manufacturers

Michael Doane Retires After 50 Years At Douglas Equipment

Sept. 22, 2013
Long-standing GSE executive helped introduce towbarless equipment and build the Douglas brand throughout the world.
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No Two Days the Same

Sept. 19, 2008
Mike Doane has enjoyed tackling the challenges brought by the ups and downs of the industry.
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No Two Days the Same

Sept. 19, 2008
Mike Doane has enjoyed tackling the challenges brought by the ups and downs of the industry.
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Deicing and Anti-icing Equipment

June 25, 2007
SUPERIOR INSTANT HEAT GROUND DEICERS SDI Aviation designs, manufactures, distributes and supports the SUPERIOR® line of aircraft ground service equipment. Its worldwide customer...


Mike Doane

Sales Director

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All content from Textron GSE - Douglas Equipment Ltd.


Push Backs Without the Pushback? (VIDEO)

Oct. 23, 2012
It’s certainly a possibility as a number of companies are trying to do just that.