FAUDI Aviation GmbH
Stadtallendorf 35260COMPANY OVERVIEW
About FAUDI Aviation GmbH
Stadtallendorf 35260
More Info on FAUDI Aviation GmbH

FAUDI Aviation GmbH operates worldwide as a highly specialized manufacturer of filtration equipment for commercial aviation and military used fuels. With 80 years of experience and modern production methods, FAUDI Aviation offers effective solutions to ensure clean and dry aviation fuel for aviation safety.
Our product range is perfectly coordinated with your needs and will help you lower your operating costs, reduce system downtimes and ensure an efficient work process. Featured products include two stage filter/water separator and single stage vessels, coalescers, separators, microfilters and sensing technologies like the AFGUARD®.
A comprehensive program of trainings and seminars completes the product portfolio.
We are a qualified and approved supplier to international and national standards including the latest EI editions.
For more information, visit linkedin.com/company/faudi-aviation-gmbh or https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0lW7wqqC3jwtfh9OwF5njA