Textron GSE - TUG Technologies Corporation

Kennesaw, GA 30156-9118


About Textron GSE - TUG Technologies Corporation


PO Box 3028
Kennesaw, GA 30156-9118

More Info on Textron GSE - TUG Technologies Corporation

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TUG Technologies is a leading Ground Support Equipment manufacturer providing a broad product line including air conditioners, aircraft tow tractors, air starts, baggage tow tractors, belt loaders, ground power units, and heaters.  With over 35 years of experience in aviation ground support equipment, TUG offers many different solutions to your ground support needs. 

All TUG products are supported by a network of traveling field technicians, airport service centers, and international distributors. TUG OEM Parts sales ensure your products continue to perform to TUG’s exacting standards.

Products and Press Releases

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GPUs, PCAs, Power Carts & Accessories

Ground Power Units

Jan. 29, 2019
Ground Power Units are available with AC kVA ratings of 60, 90, 100, 120, 140 and 180. Simplicity, ease of service and maintenance, durability, and performance were the primary...
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Tow Tractors

Jan. 29, 2019
TUG Technologies offers tow tractors with capabilities ranging from 3000-78,000 DBP. Tow tractors are available in diesel, electric, and gasoline.
E-Z-GO acquired TUG from Jacobson Partners, a private-equity firm based in New York, which had owned the company since January 2005. Post-acquisition, TUG’s products will continue to be manufactured at its Kennesaw facility by its workforce of more than 200 employees.
Pushbacks, Tractors & Utility Vehicles

E-Z-GO® Acquires TUG Technologies

May 5, 2014
E-Z-GO has been a business unit of Textron since 1960, and is a leading designer and manufacturer of vehicles for recreational and commercial use.
Beverly Banister, director, EPA Region 4 Air, Pesticides and Toxics Management Division; Joe Fuqua, general manager, Delta Air Lines GSE; Don Francis, executive director, Clean Cities Atlanta; and Steve Clermont, senior project manager, The Center for Transportation and the Environment.
Belt Loaders & Conveyors

Delta, CTE Work Together To Reduce GSE Carbon Emissions At ATL

May 15, 2013
Hercules, JBT and Averest help repower 35 diesel belt and container loaders to electric.
TUG Technologies and Palmer Johnson Power Systems have teamed up to offer the GSE Industry high-quality remanufactured axles and transmissions.

TUG, Palmer Johnson Announce Remanufacturing Program

Sept. 21, 2012
Plug-and-play offering of exchange units currently consists of AxleTech, ZF, Dana and OMSI Axles as well as Funk 2000 and 4000 transmissions

Articles & News

Photo courtesy of Textron GSE
When IATA updated Chapter 9 of its Airport Handling Manual to stipulate that belt loaders and other types of ground support equipment would need anti-collision technology installed on them, companies like Textron GSE utilized an electronic transmission to help achieve that capability.

A Shift in Technology

Feb. 16, 2017
Electronic transmissions installed in GSE provide safety features like collision avoidance, which limits damage to aircraft on the ramp.
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Airports & Municipalities

Brazil’s Airports Scramble To Modernize

April 17, 2013
Most press accounts say Brazil is woefully behind schedule in airport and other infrastructure improvements as it prepares to host the World Cup next year.
Chief Warrant Officer Greg McDermott stands in front of a new fleet of SATS, a standardized tow tractor developed originally for the United States Army.
Fueling Equipment & Accessories

CWO Greg McDermott: Ground Support Team Leader 2012

May 24, 2012
United States Coast Guard Chief Warrant Officer Greg McDermott has spent the past 12 years in charge of GSE purchasing and training for the USCG’s only Aviation Logistics Center...
All photos provided by Cygnus Business Media
More than 1,700 people attended last month's Cygnus Aviation Expo at the Las Vegas Convention Center.
Trade Associations & Events

Cygnus Aviation Expo 2012 Report

April 20, 2012
New products, directions, people and leaders on display at this year’s show.
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Airports & Municipalities

April GSW 2012 News In Brief

April 20, 2012
CalendarApril 16-19Global Aerospace SummitAbu Dhabi, UAEhttp://www.aerospacesummit.aeApril 29-May 384th Annual AAAE Conference And ExpositionPhoenix, AZhttp://events.aaae.org/...

Videos & Resources

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Green / Alternative Energy GSE

Taking A Different Road To Green GSE

May 9, 2012
Alternatives to rechargeable lead-acid batteries to power electric GSE


Ben Reeves

Vice President Sales

Brad Compton

Vice President, Sales

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