Hammonds Companies

Houston, TX 77040


About Hammonds Companies


6951 W. Little York Rd
Houston, TX 77040
United States

More Info on Hammonds Companies

Hammondslogolarge 10703850

Serving the aviation industry since 1965, Biobor JF is the most recognized fuel biocide in the world. Biobor Fuel additives protect and improve the performance of all diesel- and gasoline-powered equipment used throughout the aviation industry    

Products and Press Releases

TPI3T3A 5b02f0bbcde34
Fuel Additives

Rapid Deployment Additive Injection

May 21, 2018
The Hammonds TPI-3T-3A brings the same abilities as its larger systems for making JP-8 from commercially available Jet A in the lightest, most easily transportable package yet...
BioborJF 5b02eec132fe6
Fuel Additives

Aviation Turbine and Jet Fuels Microbiocide

May 21, 2018
Biobor JF is the leading aviation fuel microbicide for the eradication and prevention of microbial growth in aviation fuel systems, since 1965. Biobor JF is approved for aviation...
G 18 Photo One 10834348


Nov. 27, 2012
Hammonds Technical Services, Inc. is introducing its G-18 series ODV with electric or hybrid power. The G-18 E tractor is designed specifically for general aviation where precise...
G18photo1 10630680
Baggage & Cargo

Electric-Powered ODV

Oct. 24, 2011
Hammonds has announced its newest electric-powered ODV, the G-18E. Rated to tow 18,000 pounds, the tractor is available in electric, engine, or with hybrid power. The hybrid model...
Odvg18a001a 10364523
Baggage Handling Equipment & Accessories

Electric-powered ODVs

Sept. 20, 2011
Hammonds has announced the E-18, the company’s latest model in the lineup of electric-powered ODVs. Omni-directional capability and a footprint of only a 50-inch diameter make...
Vision 10280860
Fuel Distributors, Suppliers, & Manufacturers

Digital Injection System

June 8, 2011
VISION, the Digital Injection System from Hammonds takes the additive injection to a new level of ACCURACY, DEPENDABLITY and EASE of OPERATION. The all ELECTRIC POWERED SYSTEM...
Bioborjf16 10280862
Fuel Distributors, Suppliers, & Manufacturers


June 8, 2011
BioborJF® was specially formulated and introduced in 1965 to one of theharshest and most safety-conscious industries in the world, the commercial andmilitary jet aircraft industry...
Bioborjf 10026534
Fueling Equipment & Accessories

Biobor JF

Oct. 16, 2007
For over 40 years, Biobor® JF by Hammonds Companies has been sterilizing aircraft fuel systems. It works by actually killing micro-organisms responsible for fuel tank contamination...

Articles & News

Ben Weaver

September 2012 New In Brief

Sept. 25, 2012
Calendar of Events:Sept. 20-21Root Cause AnalysisMemphis, TNhttp://www.hightechnologyseminars.comSept. 28-29Southeast Aviation ExpoGreenville, SChttp://www.scaaonline.com/content...


Jeff Hammonds

Patrick Eakins

Technical Director, Biobor

Blake Rampy

Sales Manager, Biobor

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All content from Hammonds Companies

Omnidirectionalvehicleodv 10026537
Pushbacks, Tractors & Utility Vehicles

Omni Directional Vehicle (ODV)

Oct. 16, 2007
The Hammonds ODV can move in any direction from a fixed point and rotate 360 degrees without moving from one spot. Intuitive controls makes maneuverability a breeze while setting...
Model600forweb 10281453
Fueling Equipment & Accessories

600 Series Additive Injector

June 22, 2007
Hammonds Companies designed the 600 Series Additive Injector, a truck-mounted injector, to inject fluid additives directly into fluid products. Typically used in aviation refuelers...
G120withblurredbackground 10281456
Pushbacks, Tractors & Utility Vehicles

Omni Directional Vehicle

June 22, 2007
The Hammonds' ODV is a perfectly round vehicle capable of rotating 360 degrees and then moving in any direction at infinitely variable speeds. When used as an aircraft tug or ...
Model800forweb 10281450
Fueling Equipment & Accessories

Additive Injectors

June 22, 2007
Hammonds Technical Services offers Additive Injectors that feature:Fluid powered - industry standard for injection of FSII and Biocides.No external power required.Up to 8 separate...
Bulkmeteringscreen 10281455
Fueling Equipment & Accessories


June 22, 2007
Hammonds Technical Services offers automated systems that will monitor and report data as well as allow for automatic controls. THE VISION system from Hammonds, is touchscreen...
Omnidirectionalaircrafttransporter 10026245
Pushbacks, Tractors & Utility Vehicles

Omni Directional Aircraft Transporter

June 22, 2007
Hammonds' ODAT's multifunctional in that it has four-in-one versatility. It's a towbarless tug that easily converts to a towbar tug with a patented round chassis and radial hitch...