BTC Electronic Components Inc.

Wake Forest, NC 27587


About BTC Electronic Components Inc.


2709 Connector Drive
Wake Forest, NC 27587
United States

More Info on BTC Electronic Components Inc.

Btclogo 11145643

BTC is an authorized, value-added assembly supplier specializing in connectors, backshells, heat shrink products and wire management accessories for the military and aerospace industry. Our superior service includes responding to RFQs within 1 hour, an extensive product offering, stocking what our customers buy, pull-ins and push-outs to accommodate changes in customers' schedules and on-time delivery. Our quality ratings are consistently 99%+. We offer a broad range of technical services including second sourcing, verifying drawings, design ins, modifications and cross referencing parts. We can solve your most demanding connector supply issues and customize solutions to meet your individual requirements.

Products and Press Releases

Connectorsformilitaryaviation 10027237

Connectors for Military Aviation

March 8, 2010
BTC is an authorized, value-added assembly distributor specializing in connectors for the aerospace industry and military aviation. We stock a wide variety of cylindrical electrical...

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