Capital Avionics

Crestview, FL 32539


About Capital Avionics


5749 John Givens Road
Crestview, FL 32539
United States

More Info on Capital Avionics

Capital Avionics offers the CA-320 digital compass system as well as avionics and instruments repair services. See web site for warranty information. For technical support contact Al Ingle at [email protected] or David Wood at [email protected]. Hours of service: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (EST).

Products and Press Releases

Ca 320 10834465

Compass correction system

Nov. 30, 2012
This stand-alone, portable, magnetic measurement standard replaces the need for a compass rose, master sight compass, surveyor transit devices, and complex specialized equipment...
Capitalavionicsca320 10448960
Inspection & Testing

Digital compass

Nov. 18, 2011
Capital Avionics' CA-320 digital compass is a stand alone, calibrated magnetic reference standard. It measures the earth’s magnetic field in three axis and with its internal pitch...

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