Aerospace Turbine Rotables, Inc.

Wichita, KS 67216


About Aerospace Turbine Rotables, Inc.


1919 E. Northern St.
Wichita, KS 67216
United States

More Info on Aerospace Turbine Rotables, Inc.

Beechcraft Actuators Turbine Rotables 55cb6d0ec9e3a

Aerospace Turbine Rotables, Inc., a subsidiary of First Aviation Services Inc., has over 40 years’ experience as an FAA and EASA
certified repair station serving the corporate and military turbine market, including the Lear 45/75, Challenger 300/350, Challenger 600-
series, Global Express, Gulfstream, Beechjet, King Air, T-6 Texan and Embraer Phenom 100/300 families. AeTR’s repair and overhaul
capabilities include Landing Gear Struts and Actuators, Wheels, Brakes, Hydraulic Power Packs, Flap Actuators, Motors and
Gearboxes, Flight Control Actuators, Lighting and Electrical Systems, Oxygen and Fire Bottles (Hydrostatic Testing), Crew Masks,
Oxygen Regulators, Control Surfaces, and other advanced composite and metal bond repairs. AeTR is also a Stratoflex hose shop.
More information may be found at

Products and Press Releases

Aerospace Turbine Rotables Inc.
Mg 8782

Battery Maintenance

Aug. 16, 2022
Maintaining your aircraft batteries to peak performance is the objective of Aerospace Turbine Rotables’ Addison, Texas, facility. Aerospace Turbine Rotables supports all major...
Aerospace Turbine Rotables Inc.
Ae Tr Machine
Turbine Engines & Parts

1301 Halon Recycling

July 26, 2022
Recovering as much Halon as possible has always been the objective of AeTR, based in Wichita, Kansas, but now with the newest technology the total amount of recovery and the quality...
Kellyaircraftlightingaccessories 10137714
Lighting & Lamps

Lighting & Accessories

Dec. 10, 2008
Aerospace Turbine Rotables offers comprehensive overhaul and repair capabilities in Grimes, S.D.I., and Whelen lighting products and associated power supplies, timers, and strobe...
Kellylandinggearandaccessories 10137710
Landing Gear

Landing Gear and Accessories

Dec. 10, 2008
Aerospace Turbine Rotables offers landing gear and accessories, which can be overhauled in a timely fashion or exchanged from its extensive inventory. A complete line of the Beechcraft...
Kellyaerospacesafetyequipment 10137716
Safety Equipment

Safety Equipment

Dec. 10, 2008
Aerospace Turbine Rotables offers fast turn times to minimize your downtime along with competitive pricing and full DOT/FAA/JAA documentation. There are quick turns on most pneumatic...

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All content from Aerospace Turbine Rotables, Inc.

Kellytachgenerator 10137708
Aircraft Engines

Tach Generator

Dec. 10, 2008
Aerospace Turbine Rotables stocks the popular styles of tach generators with overhaul of customer unit also available. For more information visit www.aerospaceturbinerotables....
Kellyaerospceflapmotorsgearboxesandactuators 10137712
Aircraft Airframe & Accessories

Flap Motors, Gearboxes, and Actuators

Dec. 10, 2008
Aerospace Turbine Rotables offers a wide variety of Beech application flap actuators, from the Bonanza up to and including the "1900" series aircraft. It also overhauls and repairs...
Kellybrakeswheelsservices 10137718
Wheels & Brakes

Brakes/Wheels Services

Dec. 10, 2008
Aerospace Turbine Rotables offers overhaul services and complete NDT inspection for a wide variety of aircraft wheels and brakes. Many brakes are available for exchange. For more...
Kellyhoses 10137720
Hoses & Accessories


Dec. 10, 2008
Aerospace Turbine Rotables is an authorized Parker Stratoflex distributor and TSO-approved hose shop. It offers bulk hose and fittings and hose delivery in 24 hours. It has identical...