Bird Barrier America, Inc.

Carson, CA 90746


About Bird Barrier America, Inc.


20925 Chico St
Carson, CA 90746
United States of America

More Info on Bird Barrier America, Inc.

Bblogo 10170640

Bird Barrier is America's leading manufacturer and supplier of pest bird control products. We specialize in urban bird control to remove pest birds humanely and effectively. 

In business since 1993, Bird Barrier America has led the way with innovative technologies designed to prevent birds from landing, roosting or nesting. Our main offices are located in Carson, CA with an East Coast shipping center situated in Secaucus, NJ.

Our best selling bird control product is our Bird-Flite bird spikes. Stainless steel construction ensures an extensive and effective service life for protection against pigeons and similarly sized nuisance birds. 

Bird Barrier also introduced the first electrical shock system designed to keep birds off surfaces. StealthNet is our brand of bird netting that is used for total exclusion. Impenetrable by birds, it creates a barrier that is extremely effective and minimally visible. An attractive bird control option for aesthetically sensitive applications. 

BirdWire, BirdCoil, Daddi Long Legs, and Bird Slide are products that we offer that work great to control pigeons, starlings, sparrows, grackles, geese, gulls, crows, and swallows.

Products and Press Releases

Coil On Curve
Buildings & Maintenance


Sept. 21, 2010
Bird Barrier's Bird-Coil is America's most innovative, versatile, easy-to-use anti-perching system. Made of high-grade stainless steel, Bird Coil is perfect for long, narrow, ...
Buildings & Maintenance

Dura-Spike Bird Spikes

Sept. 21, 2010
Dura-Spike Bird Spikes are 100% stainless steel and are available in three-foot lenghts for fast application. The base can be cut easily with snips or shears. It curves gently...
Flite Curve
Buildings & Maintenance

Bird-Flite Bird Spikes

Sept. 21, 2010
Bird-Flite Bird Spikes are installed on thousands of U.S. buildings with an incredible success rate, even under heavy bird pressure. Its thin, stainless steel rods and U.V.-resistant...
Net Hangar
Buildings & Maintenance


Sept. 21, 2010
Bird Barrier's StealthNet Bird Netting is the strongest and most versatile bird exclusion system in the world. StealthNet denies pest birds access to literally any architectural...
Birdbarri 10170634
Buildings & Maintenance

Bird-Shock Flex-Track

Sept. 15, 2010
BIRD BARRIER AMERICA, Bird-Shock Flex-Track, a flexibleand adaptable solution for protectingsigns. The low-profile electrified trackconforms to any architectural ...


Leonard Mongiello

Sales Manager

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