Walter Surface Technologies

Windsor, CT 06095


About Walter Surface Technologies


810 Day Hill Rd.
Windsor, CT 06095

More Info on Walter Surface Technologies

Products and Press Releases

Surfox 305 Large 5b5f1a81cf038
Welding Equipment

MIG and TIG Weld Cleaning System

July 30, 2018
Walter Surface Technologies recently introduced the SURFOX 305, a patented electrochemical MIG and TIG weld cleaning system that is now safer, faster, and more user-friendly. ...
GrindtotheGrid 5aba5d1f81df7
Shop Equipment

Walter Surface Technologies’ New ‘Grind to the Grid’ Sweepstakes Offers a Chance to Win a Daytona 500 VIP Experience

March 27, 2018
Every sanding disc purchased offers customers a chance to win an exclusive VIP entertainment package at the 2019 Daytona 500 or one of 30 weekly prizes. Sweepstakes closes November...
marc Andre 589b3ddadb071
Aircraft Airframe & Accessories

Marc-André Aubé Appointed President and Chief Operating Officer of Walter Surface Technologies

Feb. 8, 2017
Before joining Walter Surface Technologies, Mr. Aubé worked as President and Chief Operating Officer of GardaWorld Protective Services.
Cleanbox products small 570ec0934ec14
Shop Equipment

Parts Cleaning Systems

April 13, 2016
Bio-Circle has launched three new bio-renewable parts cleaning systems to its portfolio of products: CleanBox Compact S, CleanBox Maxi, and the CleanBox Mega. The ergonomically...
fABTECH Instagram BANNER 56377b59bc436
Aircraft Airframe & Accessories

Stainless and Welding Innovations at FABTECH 2015 in Chicago

Nov. 2, 2015
FABTECH Expo will take place at McCormick Place in Chicago, IL, November 9-12, 2015.
53G125 CB100 ALU HR 55536afc6b17f
Shop Equipment

Bio-Renewable Cleaning Solution

May 13, 2015
Bio-Circle, a division of Walter Surface Technologies, introduces CB 100 ALU to its bio-renewable lines of cleaners and degreasers. CB 100 ALU is a heavy duty cleaner and degreaser...
Walter Surface Technologies
From left to right: Darren Meyer (Sr. Director of Marketing - Indica), Phil Cowan (Director of Marketing - Indica), Chester Collier (Senior Vice President – Walter Surface Technologies), Claude Vandemeulebroocke (General Manager – Walter Surface Technologies), Dave Ross (President).
Shop Equipment

Indica Marketing Group Names Walter Surface Technologies Supplier of the Year

April 29, 2015
To determine the winner, over one hundred of Indica’s distributors submitted their votes to select their best supplier. This is the fourth time that Walter has won the Supplier...

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All content from Walter Surface Technologies

ZIPWHEEL cutter 54abf753b6d3c
Hand Tools

Cordless Cutter

Jan. 6, 2015
Walter Surface Technologies launches ZIPWHEEL cutter, the most powerful cordless cutter that can drive a 6-inch cutting wheel. The ZIPWHEEL cutter is specifically designed for...
Logo Walter En
Shop Equipment

Walter Surface Technologies Wins Top Honors with "Best of the Best" Supplier Award by Grainger Mexico

Feb. 27, 2014
Grainger Mexico distributes a wide range of Walter solutions geared to the metal working industry, including the innovative line of Bio-Circle non-toxic and environmentally-friendly...
02 Cleanbox Flow Top View 11290574
Shop Equipment

Parts Cleaning Solution

Jan. 8, 2014
Walter Surface Technologies offers CleanBox Flow, the newest addition to the family of Bio-Circle manual industrial parts washing systems. Suitable for the bulk cleaning of small...
Bcultra App 10854421
Chemicals & Solvents

Eco-friendly Cleaning Agent

Feb. 28, 2013
Walter Surface Technologies (WST) has developed an eco-friendly solution for heavy-duty industrial cleaning. Nature Boost is a new additive derived from vegetable extracts exclusive...
Chemicals & Solvents

Walter Surface Technologies announces NATURE BOOST

Feb. 11, 2013
Derived from natural sources, NATURE BOOST is the newest alternative to toxic solvents
Walterapphome Screenshot 10832046
Airport Technology

With Walter More Safety at your Fingertips

Nov. 20, 2012
Discover the new Walter Safety Application for iPhone.
Photo New Hq Nouveau Qg 10784282
Aircraft Airframe & Accessories

Walter, 60 Years of Surface Treatment Technologies

Sept. 25, 2012
Its evolution of knowledge and methods has led to productivity increases in Canada, the Americas and Europe.
Enduro Flex Angle 10753892

Metal finishing disc

Sept. 20, 2012
Walter Surface Technologies announces the launch of the improved longer life Enduro-Flex finishing disc for metal finishing applications.The disc features a new design and flap...
Bio Rust 20l 10753886

Rust Removal

Sept. 20, 2012
Walter Surface Technologies is pleased to announce the availability of Bio-Rust, a non-corrosive solution that eradicates rust on iron and mild steel. It can be used anywhere...