Tungsten Heavy Powder & Parts

San Diego, CA 92121


About Tungsten Heavy Powder & Parts


6170 Cornerstone Ct E
Suite 310
San Diego, CA 92121

More Info on Tungsten Heavy Powder & Parts

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Tungsten Heavy Powder & Parts is dedicated to earning an outstanding reputation of innovation, quality and customer service.  It is one of only a select few plants in the world to manufacture a unique high-density kind of tungsten powder. Along with our powder, we also manufacture fragments for the military and an extremely popular line of tungsten bucking bars with no minimum order quantity. We even make custom bucking bars out of tungsten with a very low minimum order quantity. We are so confident in our bucking bars that we are one of the only bucking bar companies in the world to offer a 90-day free replacement guarantee against breakage of our bucking bars. For more information on our company, please visit us at https://www.tungstenheavypowder.com/about-us/

Products and Press Releases

Tungsten Bucking Bars 65v Oymhrukco Cuf
Hand Tools

Bucking Bars

Jan. 15, 2018
Most have a 90-day free replacement guarantee against breakage.

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