Vxceed Technologies Inc.

Jersey City, NJ 07302


About Vxceed Technologies Inc.


101 Hudson St., Ste. 2100
Jersey City, NJ 07302
United States

More Info on Vxceed Technologies Inc.

Vxceed Technologies is a Software as a service (SaaS) provider headquartered in New Zealand. Vxceed Technologies has a successful track-record in developing and providing SaaS Transport & logistics, CPG sales, Logistics and distribution, Mobile Resource management & communication software products. We specialize in providing a range of Airline/Airport SaaS products for Airline Crew Transport, Passenger Transport, Ground Service Equipment Management, Flight Catering, Airport ground operations, Ramp operations.

Products and Press Releases

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GSE Tracking


Oct. 25, 2018
GroundCentric247 is just one of the software-as-a-service applications that Vxceed offers to its clients and is on the Latitude247 core technology platform. GroundCentric247 ...

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