Ryan L. Hanson, P.E.
Aviation Project Manager
Age 35
Ryan Hanson, P.E., has established himself as a standout Aviation Project Manager and Engineer at HDR in Omaha, Nebraska, where his drive, commitment, and perseverance have transformed ambitious projects into reality. Hanson’s expertise was recently demonstrated at North Platte Regional Airport, where he played a key role in securing a $7.04 million FAA grant for a $29.63 million terminal project. His strategic guidance helped the airport align its plans with FAA priorities, making it one of just six airports with fewer than 20,000 annual enplanements to secure a large ATP grant.
Hanson’s success extends to Norfolk, Nebraska’s Regional Airport, where he led efforts to gain City Council approval for an $8.4 million terminal and hangar project. His development of a strategic plan and grant application led to a $3.23 million federal award, proving his ability to navigate political and financial hurdles.
“I’m motivated to find solutions to complex problems,” he said. “Whether it's financing a $30 million terminal project at a budget-constrained regional airport, maintaining 24/7 access to the presidential hangar during construction, or keeping mission-critical runways operational during significant rain events, I always find satisfaction in overcoming obstacles and meeting project objectives.”
A 2012 graduate of the University of Wisconsin–Madison with a degree in Civil Engineering, Hanson has since earned a master’s degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, specializing in airfield pavement. His passion for innovation has led him to create new tools for pavement condition surveys and collaborate on the use of unmanned aircraft systems for data collection.
Hanson’s dedication to the industry is reflected in his service on technical panels for the Airport Cooperative Research Program and his role as a mentor and leader within HDR, where he continually pushes the boundaries of airport project management and engineering.