Wicks Aircraft Supply

Highland, IL 62249


About Wicks Aircraft Supply


410 Pine St
Highland, IL 62249
United States of America

More Info on Wicks Aircraft Supply

At Wicks we provide aircraft parts for professionals and enthusiasts: fittings, complete kits, chrome moly tubing, aluminum sheet and tubing, and more. We are committed to providing exceptional service and fast, friendly shipping for a broad range of aircraft-grade products and materials.

Products and Press Releases

Wickstubing Pic

Wicks Aircraft: Huge Inventory of 4130 for Everyone's Needs

Feb. 6, 2014
Wicks Aircraft Supply has bought out a favorite supplier, Dillsburg, and has added literally tons of new 4130 to its existing stock of American, German, and low-cost Chinese steel...
Aircraft Airframe & Accessories

Wicks: Your Source for Wood!

July 16, 2013
It has a large stock of prime aviation-grade Sitka Spruce available in large sizes, with boards up to 1 inch (25mm) thick and 10 inches (250mm) wide.
Hand Tools

Wicks Aircraft Supply to Provide Rotary Pinking Shears

Dec. 17, 2012
Rotary pinking shears have been off the market for quite some time, making existing shears quite valuable, but Wicks is offering brand new shears at a price that makes an overhaul...
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New AVIATOR LIGHT PEN Sheds Light Where You Need It

Dec. 4, 2012
When you need to write, and there is no light available, or when you don’t want to lose all your night vision, or when you don’t want to disturb those around you, the old solutions...
Dynon D1 Pocket Panel

Wicks Aircraft Supply Introduces Dynon D1 Pocket Panel

Aug. 20, 2012
Dynon has just introduced a portable true attitude indicator that can be used by all pilots. The D1 utilizes familiar Dynon MEMS-based AHRS technology in a true artificial horizon...
Dvdsforho 10168501
Education & Training

How-to DVDs

Sept. 1, 2010
Wicks Aircraft Supply is now offering a series of DVDs designed to make aircraft construction and maintenance an easier process. Eight different DVDs cover everything from scratchbuildi...

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All content from Wicks Aircraft Supply

Superflitepracticekits 10139595
Hand Tools

Superflite Practice Kits

Feb. 25, 2010
Superflite Practice Kits are now available from Wicks for learning how to work with Superflite finishing materials or for making small repairs to a fabric-covered aircraft. Any...
Polyfiberpracticeandrepairkits 10139197
Aircraft Airframe & Accessories

Polyfiber practice and repair kits

Sept. 1, 2009
Wicks Aircraft Supply now offers Polyfiber practice and repair kits (PFK-001) that will introduce aircraft builders or restorers to methods for cutting, attaching, and heat shrinking...