Dallas Airmotive F1RST SUPPORT Team Removes First Rolls-Royce BR710 Engine
Dallas, Texas…June 3, 2013… A team of field service representatives from Dallas Airmotive’s F1RST SUPPORT™ global field service organization has completed its first removal of a Rolls-Royce BR710 engine. The work was completed at the Bombardier* Service Centre in Dallas, Texas.
Dallas Airmotive recently signed a service agreement with Rolls-Royce to provide Mobile Repair Support (MRS) services for the BR710 family of engines. The engine powers Bombardier’s Global Express*, Global Express XRS*, Global 5000* and Global 6000* aircraft, as well as the Gulfstream V, Gulfstream 500 and Gulfstream 550.
“Our coverage and support for the BR710 engine highlights the wide range of capabilities we offer through our F1RST SUPPORT organization,” stated Doug Meador, Dallas Airmotive President.
The MRS agreement with Rolls-Royce CorporateCare® provides Dallas Airmotive approval to support Bombardier and Gulfstream aircraft that are on the program, as well as operators who are not. Dallas Airmotive is the only independent engine service company to have this approval.
“Business aviation has a global presence and our customers operate all over the world,” continued Meador. “Our ongoing strategy, and commitment to our customers, is to provide field service and support on the widest number of engines wherever they operate.”
Dallas Airmotive offers a variety of field service capabilities for the BR710 including on-site engine borescoping, troubleshooting, accessory replacement, and engine removal and reinstallation. The company currently has a team of five trained BR710 technicians and two sets of tooling available to service the engines anywhere in the world.
Dallas Airmotive has been offering OEM-approved service on Rolls-Royce business aviation turbine engines since 1959 and additionally offers field service, repair, mid-life and overhaul services on the Rolls-Royce Spey, Tay and M250™ engine lines.