Emco Wheaton Corp.

Oakville, Ontario L6H 5S1


About Emco Wheaton Corp.


2480 Bristol Cir
Oakville, Ontario L6H 5S1

More Info on Emco Wheaton Corp.

Emcowheatoncorp 10017231

Manufacturer of high quality fueling nozzles including the G457 and G180 lines with such unique features as the Speed Spout® for rapid spout change and auto shut-off for hot refueling helicopters. Dry-Break® couplers and adapters are used for spill-free transfer of petroleum and chemical products. Distributor of Todo products including Todo-Matic®, swivels, ball valves and breakaways.

Products & Press Releases

Samplingventanddrainvalve 10133592
Fuel Handling & Monitoring Systems

Sampling, Vent and Drain Valve

Jan. 4, 2010
emco wheaton corporation’s Sampling, Vent and Drain Valve is installed on the
Drybreaktmcouplersandadapters 10026978
Fueling Equipment & Accessories

DRY-BREAK(TM) Couplers and Adapters

Oct. 17, 2008
No liquid flow until properly connected and lever is opened; accidental spillage and liquid loss at disconnect are eliminated; excellent for product segregation; perfectly suited...
G180overwingfuelingnozzlewithspeedspout 10026976
Fueling Equipment & Accessories

G180 Overwing Fueling Nozzle with Speed Spout

Oct. 17, 2008
SPEED SPOUT (TM) quick change mechanism allows spouts to be installed and removed with one hand. Valve design makes it easy to control flow, allowing the fueler to smoothly increase...
G180withspeedspout 10026418
Fueling Equipment & Accessories


Oct. 16, 2007
Emco Wheaton's G180 with Speed Spout quick change mechanism allows spouts to be installed and removed with one hand and is ideal for open filling aircraft, helicopters, ground...
G457hotrefuelingnozzle 10025805
Fueling Equipment & Accessories


June 22, 2007
Designed to ensure fuel cannot be accidentally delivered into engine air intake during hot refueling. Proximity lever automatically shuts off fuel delivery on withdrawal of the...
Drybreakcouplersandadapters 10025410
Deicing / Anti-icing Equipment & Services

DRY-BREAK™ Couplers and Adapters

June 22, 2007
Emco Wheaton Canada DRY-BREAK™ couplers and adapters are ideal for transferring deicing fluid. Available in 1-inch through 3-inch sizes, featuring many body and seal materials...
Drybreakcouplersandadapters 10025807
Deicing / Anti-icing Equipment & Services

DRY-BREAK Couplers and Adapters

June 22, 2007
Emco Wheaton Canada DRY-BREAK™ Couplers and Adapters are ideal for transferring de-icing fluid. Available in 1" through 3" sizes, featuring many body and seal materials. Coupler...
Speedspoutfuelingnozzle 10025451
Fueling Equipment & Accessories

SPEED SPOUT Fueling Nozzle

June 22, 2007
Emco Wheaton Corp. offers the G180 Overwing Fueling Nozzle with SPEED SPOUT™ Description: '#8729; SPEED SPOUT quick change mechanism allows spouts to be installed and removed ...


Magnus Staaf

Sales Manager

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All content from Emco Wheaton Corp.

Overwingfuelingnozzles 10024694
Fueling Equipment & Accessories

Overwing Fueling Nozzles

June 22, 2007
Emco Wheaton Corp.'s G180 Series Overwing Fueling Nozzles feature:Anodized aluminum body and handle guard.Integrated bumper ring acts as wing pad.Bumper pads on contact points...
Fuelingnozzle 10025139
Fueling Equipment & Accessories

Fueling Nozzle

June 22, 2007
Unique SPEED SPOUT feature allows for quick, safe, change between flared and straight spout configuartions; Spouts can be changed with one hand and without tools in seconds; Anodized...
Fluidtransfersystems 10025284
Fueling Equipment & Accessories

Fluid Transfer Systems

June 22, 2007
Emco Wheaton Canada manufactures fueling and DRY-BREAK fluid transfer systems. OVERWING fueling nozzles are manufactured for commercial and militar DRY-BREAK Couplers and Adapters...
G180fuelingnozzle 10025660
Fueling Equipment & Accessories


June 22, 2007
Emco Wheaton offers the G180 overwing fueling nozzle with SPEED SPOUT™.SPEED SPOUT quick change mechanism allows spouts to be installed and removed with one handValve design makes...
G457hotrefuellingnozzle 10025662
Fueling Equipment & Accessories


June 22, 2007
G457 HOT REFUELLING NOZZLE from Emco Wheaton Corp.:Designed to ensure fuel cannot be accidentally delivered into engine air intake during hot refuelingProximity lever automatically...
G180nozzlewithspeedspout 10026007

G180 Nozzle with Speed Spout

June 22, 2007
Emco Wheaton Corp.'s Speed Spout quick change mechanism allows spouts to be installed and removed with one hand. A variety of spout widths and lengths are available. It is ideal...
G457hotrefuelingnozzlerenamed60 10026043
Fueling Equipment & Accessories

G457 Hot Refueling Nozzle

June 22, 2007
Emco's G457 hot refueling nozzle is designed to ensure that fuel cannot be accidentally delivered into engine air intake during hot refueling. The proximity lever automatically...