U.S. Mfg. & Design Inc.

Stillwater, MN 55082


About U.S. Mfg. & Design Inc.


5640 Memorial Ave. N.
Stillwater, MN 55082
United States

More Info on U.S. Mfg. & Design Inc.

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Providing advanced oil dispensing systems and fluid transfer solutions (non-fuel) for the aviation industry. It has the capability of developing fluid management systems for your aviation needs. Limited Lifetime warranty. For technical support contact Bob Benson at (651) 429-5515, (612) 599-3788, or [email protected].

Products and Press Releases

20 Gallon Towable
Shop Equipment

20-Gallon Towable Oil Dispenser With Overflow Container

Oct. 16, 2019
The 20-Gallon Towable Oil Dispenser With Overflow Container offers a reliable oil dispenser unit on the flight line. It offers a high capacity container and an overflow container...
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Buyer's Guide

5 Gallon Pneumatic Towable Dispenser

May 29, 2019
With the onset of large aircraft requiring large volumes of oil,( 777, 787 etc.), now there is a need for a dispenser that can deliver a large amount of hydraulic or engine oil...
Usmdi Products 10
Buyer's Guide

20 Gallon Towable Dispenser

May 29, 2019
The product is used for dispensing oil to multiple aircraft. The ability to tow or maneuver by hand on the flight line or in the hanger, makes this product designed with the maintenance...
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Shop Equipment

C-Duct/High Pressure Unit

Oct. 25, 2018
The five-gallon C-Duct dispenser is used for opening engine cowlings, thrust reverser, maintenance, control surface, and landing gear testing. Unit develops 5,000 psi with a ...
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Shop Equipment


July 16, 2018
Unit can be used for thrust-reverser and landing gear adjustment.
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New Exhibitor Spotlight – US Mfg.& Design Inc., Booth 365

July 2, 2018
US Mfg.& Design Inc., is a leading developer of polyethylene aircraft fluid dispensing equipment since 1994 and has been servicing the military and airline industries worldwide...
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Towable Fluid Carts

Feb. 8, 2013
Towable fluid servicing cart (Patent number 29/358,421) used for servicing an aircraft hydraulic or engine oil system reservoir. The cart is designed for use as a general-purpose...
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Shop Equipment

Jerrican Overflow container with metal cap.

Oct. 13, 2009
1.5 gallon overflow container equipped with metal removable cap. This easy-to-handle all-weather container can be used in the hanger or flight line.

Articles & News

The 1-gallon, hand-operated dispensers.
GSE Distributors, Suppliers & Manufacturers

No Spill Zone

March 18, 2013
Closed-loop fluid transfer systems protect the integrity of the fluid from the original container to the aircraft.


Bob Benson


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