Barnes Aerospace

Windsor, CT 06095


About Barnes Aerospace


169 Kennedy Rd
Windsor, CT 06095
United States of America

More Info on Barnes Aerospace

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Barnes Group Inc. pioneers technologies to help change the world. Leveraging world-class manufacturing capabilities and market-leading engineering, we develop advanced processes, automation solutions and applied technologies for industries ranging from medical and personal care to mobility, packaging, and aerospace. Customers benefit from our integrated hardware and software capabilities focused on improving the processing, control, service and sustainability of engineered plastics, factory automation technologies, and precision components. 

Products and Press Releases

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Barnes Completes Acquisition of MB Aerospace and Expands Its Comprehensive Capabilities

Aug. 31, 2023
Barnes Group Inc. has completed its previously announced acquisition of MB Aerospace, a leading provider of precision aero-engine component manufacturing and repair services serving...

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