You asked and we listened! We are now taking reservations for the upcoming Spring Training Class on the Ransburg No.2 Process Handgun - March 20-21, 2012 and a Fall Session October 16-17, 2012 in Indianapolis, IN.
Ransburg and Accessa Coatings have partnered to offer a two-day hands-on and classroom training session for end users. Learn from one of the industry experts’ proper operation, site and part preparations, safety and troubleshooting of your paining unit.
The cost of this two-day class is $100 for each attendee with special ½ price option ($50) for companies sending multiple attendees. (First attendee will pay full price, send as many students from your company as you like at the discounted price of $50 each!) All training materials (training manuals) will be provided and lunch too!
Call 419-470-2357 or visit our website at to make your reservations or for additional information on this upcoming Ransburg Training session.
Harold Ransburg first experimented with paint charging and surface grounding technologies in the 1930s, and patented the revolutionary electrostatic finishing process in 1941. Today, Ransburg remains an industry innovator and serves the global liquid electrostatic spray-finishing marketplace from their headquarters in Toledo, Ohio. If additional information on the Ransburg products is required, please contact the Ransburg Marketing Department via email to [email protected] or check out our website