Pacific Coast Avionics Announces Avionics Upgrade on Cessna Citation Series

Jan. 28, 2015
The company recently completed another a touchscreen GPS/NAV/COM and digital weather radar upgrade on a Cessna Citation II business jet.

Portland, OR, January 28, 2015  — Dewey Conroy, Vice President and COO of Pacific Coast Avionics has announced that the company recently completed another a touchscreen GPS/NAV/COM and digital weather radar upgrade on a Cessna Citation II business jet.

The Citation II is owned and operated by an extruded plastics products manufacturer with multiple U.S. locations.

“The aircraft’s legacy NAV/COM/DME, ADF, transponder and radar had been in the panel for 30-plus-years and they were not only becoming unreliable, but they lacked the capabilities that the owner needed to meet his growing business travel needs,” Conroy said. “The new Garmin touchscreen radios, ADS-B, active traffic and BendixKing vertical-profile radar give the pilots advanced operational and situational awareness capabilities at a true fraction of the cost of a newer aircraft.”

Conroy explained that the Citation II’s panel upgrade included:

• Dual Garmin GTN 750 touchscreen GPS/NAV/COMs

• Garmin GMA 35 Remote Audio Control System

• Garmin GDL 88D ADS-B Transceiver

• Garmin GTS 825 Air Traffic Surveillance and Collision Avoidance System

• BendixKing RDR 2000 Digital Vertical Profile Weather Radar  

“This is the fourth Citation II we’ve upgraded with a similar system so the entire project was rather straightforward,” he explained. “It’s always a challenge integrating new digital technology in older aircraft systems. The biggest parts of the upgrade were fabricating the new wiring harnesses and interfaces along with the new panel center section to accommodate the Garmin GTN 750s.”

About Pacific Coast Avionics

Founded in 1991, and located at Aurora State Airport, just south of Portland Oregon, Pacific Coast Avionics is a major supplier of avionics, instruments, and pilot supplies to customers worldwide, and represents all major manufacturers by providing sales, service and installation support. Its 14,000 square foot facility can accommodate a wide range of aircraft up to and including business jets. Pacific Coast Avionics is an FAA approved Repair Station, No. OPXR455L, Class 1, 2/Limited Instrument. For a copy of the PCA catalog or for more information, visit: