KLM UK Engineering & Braathens Regional Sign Contract for Airframe Maintenance
Paris, Amstelveen, Norwich, 16 February 2018 - A European leader in the regional jets & narrow body aircraft market and having an internationally acknowledged expertise on the Boeing 737, Embraer 170/190, BAe146/Avro RJ, Fokker 70/100 & Airbus A320 Family, KLM UK Engineering is delighted to confirm its contract with Braathens Regional.
KLM UK Engineering commenced airframe maintenance checks with Braathens Regional on their BAe 146/ARJ fleet during 2017.
Ian Bartholomew, Director Business Development & Sales commented: "We are delighted to have been selected by Braathens Regional to carry out their heavy maintenance checks. We have been supporting Braathens Regional for the last year and look forward to further developing our relationship".
Ronny Christiansen, Vice President Support Braathens Regional said: "Having been a customer of KLM UK Engineering's over the last year, we are very pleased to reach this long-term agreement regarding our heavy maintenance programme.KLM UK Engineering has performed a very good quality of work and great flexibility in order to meet Braathens requirements."