Soloy Aviation Solutions purchased by Fifty-Ten-Yankee, LLC
Dave Stauffer, Managing Member of Olympia Washington based Fifty-Ten-Yankee, LLC, announced that they have come to an agreement with Soloy, LLC to acquire all assets of Soloy Aviation Solutions including the fixed wing, engine and helicopter STC’s currently produced by Soloy, LLC.
Fifty-Ten-Yankee, LLC will support 20 FAA approved Fixed Wing, 3 Helicopter and two FAR Part 33 Engine STC’s as well as 23 foreign approvals. A listing of current supported STC’s can be found on the company website. The new ownership will continue to operate as Soloy Aviation Solutions using the Soloy Aviation Solutions website (, [email protected] domain, phone/fax numbers and will be relocating to a new facility on the Olympia, Washington airport (KOLM).
“Fifty-Ten-Yankee, LLC includes a dedicated team of highly skilled personnel that have over 100 years of combined experience with Soloy products and will continue to provide world wide support and services under the new ownership for the STC conversion products. In the tradition of Joe Soloy’s company we will continue to develop new products that enhance safety and increase utilization by improving performance and reducing operational costs,” said Stauffer.
Elling Halvorson Soloy, LLC’s Managing Member said, “I am pleased with the restructuring of Soloy Aviation Solutions and am pleased that it will be in the same hands that provided years of quality product support and customer service. I am confident that this support will be carried on into the future”.
In addition to the existing Soloy product lines, Fifty-Ten-Yankee, LLC has acquired all intellectual property and production rights for the Twin Engine/Single Propeller Soloy Dual Pac, the Soloy Pathfinder 21 modification, Soloy Enaer T35 Turbine conversion and the a inlet design and tooling for the Williams FJ44 Turbofan Engine.