CAS Receives FAA Diamond Award for Training Excellence for the Fourth Consecutive Year
Certified Aviation Services, LLC (CAS), was awarded the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Diamond Award of Training Excellence for its component repair shop. It's the fourth consecutive year CAS has earned the Diamond Award, continuing its commitment of carrying a high standard of excellence in component maintenance.
The FAA Diamond Award is the most prestigious in the FAA Aviation Maintenance Technician (AMT) Awards Program. To qualify for the award, 100 percent of eligible employees must earn an individual AMT Certificate of Training during a calendar year, which means each eligible employee must complete a minimum of 12 hours of training. It's designed to reward those technicians and companies who participate in additional training that exceeds FAA rules, regulations, and industry standards.
CAS' President of Components, Brad Caban, stated, "Our goal was to look for ways to not only enhance our training program but make it more exciting for the technicians. Our new Training Manager, Daniel Tillery, executed our idea by developing all our training materials and searching for new topics that technicians desired to learn. Mr. Tillery even made Hazmat training enjoyable and educational. We are proud of our training accomplishments and the improvements Mr. Tillery has brought to our shop."
CAS operates its FAA-certified component repair facility in Fairhope, Alabama, specializing in overhauling and repairing pneumatic as well as hydraulic components.