For 30 years AviationManuals has provided manual development services to operators worldwide, and for nearly the same number of years has also provided easy to use safety management and operations improvement software through its ARC Safety Management platform. In fact, the company is the sole provider of an online platform that combines SMS software and operations manual development and distribution tools, all supported by a great team of experts. Reflecting an evolution into a company that does so much more than just manuals, AviationManuals is now becoming Nimbl, a name that better captures the flexible, full range of services, solutions, and commitment to customer support and innovation the company embodies.
‘Nimbl’, realized it was time to break out of our manuals box, but we needed to do so with a name that is more dynamic and less constraining, and which better captures our dedication to providing an easy to use innovative platform in an increasingly complex and dynamic safety content and regulatory environment. What won’t change is that the same great team will continue to provide the exemplary service, and unwavering commitment operators have come to expect from us. "We really have been so much more than just manuals for a long time now, but our name often limited how we were perceived by users and the industry. We are a company that is always striving to provide operators with the convenient support they need to keep getting better and safer through quality manuals and safety management tools all backed by an expert team. While manuals were and will continue to be a significant aspect of our services, they are now just one element of a more comprehensive suite of tools,” says Mark Baier, CEO of Nimbl,
AviationManuals and ARC Safety Management now become Nimbl. The platform will continue to provide the same tools and integrations flight operators are accustomed to, but with a slightly changed look. The Nimbl leadership team is very excited about expanding its goal of helping operators conveniently enhance safety, efficiency, and operational excellence. “We are excited to have our clients and partners join us on this journey to smarter aviation, and we'll keep striving to help make our operators better with great software supported by great people," concludes Baier.