Skyborne's Industry Leading UPRT Course to Improve Airline Pilot Safety

Oct. 10, 2019
Skyborne Airline Academy is launching airline-focused Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) to provide pilots with the skills they need to anticipate, avoid and recover upsets during flight.

Skyborne Airline Academy is launching airline-focused Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) to provide pilots with the skills they need to anticipate, avoid and recover upsets during flight.

Through adopting an evidence-based approach to UPRT, Skyborne will dive deep into analysis of previous airline accidents and incidents involving loss of control in-flight (LOC-I), to deliver training that truly resonates for commercial airline pilots. The UK CAA-approved course has been created in conjunction with industry experts Andrew Bray and David Simmonds and is available through Skyborne’s EASA Integrated and Modular ATPL programs, and as a standalone course.

Lee Woodward, chief executive officer, Skyborne, says, “Loss of control in-flight is the most frequent and fatal type of accident in general aviation and by Dec. 2019, EASA has decreed that UPRT training will become mandatory for those undertaking commercial pilot training.

“At Skyborne we are committed to delivering the highest standards, so we have optimised our UPRT course to make it fully tailored for the needs of today’s airline pilots. With this training they will develop a foundation of crucial safety skills that will flow progressively across their future career.” 

Over three days, pilots at Skyborne’s Gloucestershire Airport HQ will complete one full day of UPRT theoretical knowledge training and three flight sessions in Skyborne’s Slingsby T67 Firefly; an industry recognized aircraft, known for its forgiving airframe for both positive and negative G-forces.

Andrew Bray, course theory instructor and Skyborne consultant, says: “Avoiding LOC-I incidents through UPRT will inevitably save lives. Skyborne’s UPRT course uses the latest thinking in the industry to build confidence and capability in future airline pilots, equipping them with strategies to prevent aircraft upset.”