The TWU Strongly Urges Senate to Pass PRO Act
Following the House of Representatives vote to pass the PRO Act, the following statement should be attributed to Transport Union Workers of America (TWU) International President John Samuelsen:
This once-in-a-century pandemic has showcased the power of unions. The TWU and others have ensured that workers have organized, fought back, bargained for better wages and benefits, and advocated for policies that preserve jobs while the economy was failing. Because our members have a union, almost all of them have stayed at work with good health benefits throughout this pandemic. That is the power of a union. And that is why the PRO is essential for our future.
Current labor laws in the U.S. are so biased in favor of CEOs and wealthy corporations that tens of millions of workers across the country have been denied their right to organize. The PRO Act has the potential to immediately level the playing field and return power to workers. This vital legislation will grow the trade union movement by eliminating “right to work” laws, preventing employers from interfering in union elections, and increasing penalties for employers that violate workers’ rights, misclassify workers as independent contractors, or retaliate against worker organizing.
The TWU appreciates the leadership of Speaker Pelosi, Chairman Scott, and others in bringing this bill to the floor in the first 100 days of this Congress. Now is the time for the Senate to do the same. We are calling on all lawmakers to honor essential, frontline workers by passing the PRO Act immediately to restore balance to our labor laws and give more workers the voice they need to earn a good, middle class job in our economy.