Statement From Airlines for America President and CEO Nicholas E. Calio on the Lifting of the Pre-departure Testing Requirement

June 10, 2022
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Airlines for America (A4A) President and CEO Nicholas E. Calio Friday afternoon issued the following statement:

"We are pleased that the pre-departure testing requirement has been eliminated for international air travelers who are eager to visit or return home to the United States. The airline industry appreciates the Administration's decision to lift the pre-departure testing requirement in accordance with the current epidemiological environment.

"Lifting this policy will help encourage and restore air travel to the United States, benefiting communities across the country that rely heavily on travel and tourism to support their local economies. We are eager to welcome the millions of travelers who are ready to come to the U.S. for vacation, business and reunions with loved ones.

"We look forward to continuing to work with the Administration to prioritize the safety and wellbeing of the traveling public and to ensure that air travel policies are guided by science."