FNT Solutions Inc.

Parsippany, NJ 07054


About FNT Solutions Inc.


1 Gatehall Drive
Parsippany, NJ 07054
United States of America

More Info on FNT Solutions Inc.

FNT Solutions Inc.
Fnt Logo 5925a48a429f4

FNT is a provider of integrated software solutions for IT management, data center infrastructure management and telecommunication infrastructure management worldwide.

Products and Press Releases

FNT Solutions
Steve MacDiarmid, General Manager, FNT Software
Airport Technology

FNT Software Appoints Steve MacDiarmid as New General Manager to Lead U.S. Operations

May 7, 2020
FNT Software announced the appointment of Steve MacDiarmid as general manager in North America. As FNT continues to expand operations throughout the U.S., MacDiarmid will lead...

Articles & News

Fnt Layer Model Airports
Airport Technology

Infrastructure Management: How Airports Unleash Their Digital Potential

March 1, 2021
Digital transformation of the aviation sector is forcing aircraft manufacturers, airlines, and airports to act. The latter in particular often find themselves grappling with an...
FNT Software
Steve MacDiarmid, General Manager, FNT Software
IT Software

Improve the Digital Passenger Experience with a Unified Resource Management Solution

March 24, 2020
From mobile check-ins and real-time baggage tracking to pre-booked parking and navigation assistance, airports have already incorporated many innovative technologies into their...
Fnt Net Spider Terminal B
Airport Technology

Sensible Communication Software

Feb. 20, 2020
Software is outlining communication standards in airports.
FNT Solutions Inc.
Sean Graham Headshot 5925b37122d7a

How to Service the Digital Passenger: Airport Transformation for the Modern Traveler

Sept. 26, 2018
Generation Z, aka the iGeneration, is coming of age. This new generation of travelers was born into a digital world and will comprise 32 percent of the global population by 2019...
Port Utilization Report

Transforming IT Infrastructure to Offer Best-in-Class Airport Services: A Look into Fraport AG

Dec. 6, 2017
As airlines, retail customers and passengers all require high-quality, uninterrupted services – major international airports place high demands on network infrastructure and solutions...

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