Is it Possible to Kill COVID-19 from Luggage Surfaces in Just Five Seconds? University Study Says Yes
Following extensive testing, the Microbial Pathogenesis Laboratory at Tel Aviv University has concluded the WarpUV AirFort luggage disinfection system can eradicate coronaviruses in just five seconds. For airports, baggage handlers and air passengers, the study findings show air travel can be safer again because luggage surface areas that typically pass through many hands on their way to, from and at the airport, and susceptible to airborne transmissible droplets, can be safely and quickly sanitized.
Professor Anat Herskovits, a world-renowned microbiologist, vice chair of the Shmunis School of Biomedicine and Cancer Research, and president of the Israel Society of Microbiology, tested the ability of the WarpUV AirFort technology to kill high concentrations of coronaviruses.
“Our results concluded that after five seconds of UV irradiation, more than 99 percent of the viruses were eradicated,” Herskovits said. “I feel confident that WarpUV has developed an effective solution for luggage disinfection.”