Mobile Websites
Offer airport visitors instant access to the day-of-travel information they crave while on the go. Mobile websites enhance customer satisfaction by presenting travel information on flights and airport amenities in a clean and concise mobile format. FlightView’s new social features make it easy to disseminate emergency and customer service information through Twitter integration.
Web Content
FlightView’s Web content, including real-time flight and weather information, makes it easy for airports to offer their customers quick access to relevant information. Strong Web content can increase traffic to an airport’s website and improve customer service by offering travelers the information they need to plan proactively. FlightView’s content is customized to meet each airport’s web site design.
Data Cloud
FlightView’s data cloud is a repository of comprehensive flight, airport, and weather data, used by various customers to power their products and services with valuable up-to-date content. The cloud is comprised of aggregated data sourced from numerous flight and weather systems, housed in a reliable facility. It simplifies customers’ operations by streamlining processes and reducing IT resources.