Jorge Rubio
Airports Manager
County of Ventura, Department of Airports
Date of Birth: 12/16, 1979
Years in Aviation: 11
“My passion for aviation started before I can remember. As a child I used to get in trouble with my parents because I would draw airplanes on paper, cut them out, and glue them to the walls of our house. I just can't help it, I believe I have the aviation gene,” says Jorge Rubio.
It’s a good gene to have when you’re airports manager for the County of Ventura Department of Airports, a position he’s held since 2011. In this role, he is responsible for the day-to-day operations of both, Camarillo and Oxnard Airports, which combined have more than 700 based aircraft and 190,000 operations a year. Rubio has been with the Department of Airports since 2006 and previously served as the Oxnard airport manager and as an airport operations officer.
He says his job excites him because he gets to spend time with his first love, aircraft, and has the flexibility to get involved with the different aviation organizations and share experiences with other professionals to help shape the aviation industry as a whole.
Rubio is an active member of Airports Council International – North America, contributing to the association by being involved with the Marketing and Communications Committee’s Air Service Working Group and recruiting airlines for its annual Jumpstart conferences. He also serves on the Board of Directors of the Southwest Chapter of the American Association of Airport Executives representing Southern California, where he is a member of the Scholarship Committee helping students achieve their educational goals. He is also chairing the Association’s 54th Annual Conference in Monterey, Calif. in January 2014.
Rubio holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Aviation Administration from the University of New York at Farmingdale. He is a Certified Member of the American Association of Airport Executives and is currently working on his Accredited Airport Executive designation.