Air India pilots demand salary, allowance payment

March 9, 2012
The national carrier has not paid four months' flying allowance, layover allowance and three months' basic salaries

Amid stray reports of unrest among Kingfisher Airlines pilots, the cockpit crew of two other airlines have threatened agitation against their respective employers over pending payments. Together, these three airlines cater to more than 50 percent of the domestic passengers in the country.

On March 6, the Indian Pilots' Guild (IPG) a union formed by Air India pilots operating international flights issued a letter to the airline management and aviation minister Ajit Singh threatening to ground operations if their pending salaries are not cleared by April 1.

The national carrier has not paid four months' flying allowance, layover allowance and three months' basic salaries, which comprise nearly one-fourth of their annual income.

"Many of us are unable to clear our loans and run the house owing to the delay in payments," said an IPG spokesperson requesting anonymity. The spokesperson added, "Owing to psychological stress and bearing passenger safety in mind, we cannot operate flights on and after April 1 unless our dues are cleared."

Last week, the Indian Commercial Pilots' Association (ICPA) the union comprising AI pilots largely operating domestic flights and a few international flights had also warned the management of "no operations" if the management fails to clear dues before month-end.

On Thursday a few Jet Airways pilots also met the airline management to discuss the frequent delays in getting salaries, said sources. "The discussion between the pilots and the management will continue tomorrow. Pilots have decided to sport black bands to protest," said a Jet Airways pilot requesting anonymity.

Last week, some Kingfisher pilots met the airline's chief executive officer following a flash strike at Delhi for the same problem. The airline spokesperson said, "The CEO appealed to them not to stay away from flying duty." Published by HT Syndication with permission from HT Mumbai.

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