NICE Situator

Oct. 23, 2012

NICE Situator helps airports enhance real-time situational awareness and response to security threats, emergency situations, and operational challenges. Situator fuses diverse safety, security, communications, and other systems into a cohesive command and control platform, for a single view of a situation, with real-time analysis and alerts, and adaptive response plans to guide personnel actions. NICE Situator is an advanced physical security information management (PSIM) solution that enables situation planning, response and analysis for the security, safety and emergency markets where the risk of human error can lead to financial loss, injury and damage to public image. By integrating and correlating information from multiple and diverse systems across the organization and coordinating response actions, NICE Situator ensures that everyone in the operational chain knows what is happening and what to do. The system can be integrated with the NICE Situator Web Application to access NICE Situator from electronic devices in the field. For more information visit

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