The San Diego Regional Airport Authority recently released its 2021-2022 Sustainability Report, which tracks sustainability program process at San Diego International Airport (SAN).
The report tracks environmental, social and economic sustainability of the airport. Here are four key takeaways from the environmental sustainability efforts at SAN.
Air Quality Improved
SAN saw a 28% decrease in overall airport-wide emissions from 2019. Scope 1 emissions were reduced by 30%. The decrease comes in part from lower natural gas usage in SAN’s central utility plant and conversion of fleet vehicles to alternative fuels.
The airport also now runs off 100% carbon-free renewable electricity via a subscription to San Diego Community Power. That’s up from 77% in 2021.
Energy Usage Improved
Total energy use and energy use intensity per square foot decreased from the prior year.
Four new buildings achieved LEED certification. SAN’s Facilities Maintenance Department Administration Building features electric vehicle chargers, reflective roofing, natural ventilation, efficient water and light fixtures.
The airport’s battery energy storage system reduces peak demand charges. It stores both grid and solar electricity and deploys it during high demand times.
San Diego GSE Goes Electric
SAN is making major strides in electrifying equipment across its campus. The airport is installing 39 electric charging stations outside Terminal 2 to support the conversion to electric ground support equipment. Airlines are expected to convert 80% of their GSE fleet at SAN to either electric or renewable diesel by 2024 as part of an environmental mitigation program at SAN.
The airport has also installed electric vehicle charging stations to support fleet vehicles as well.
Water Usage and Quality Efforts Improved
SAN saw a 34% decrease in water use intensity per passenger thanks to water conservation strategies.
More than 1 million gallons of collected water was capture, treated, and reused in 2021. Eleven percent of the airport site drained in biofiltration devices, infiltration beds, or cisterns. The Terminal 2 Parking Plaza system has captured more than 4.2 million gallons alone since it opened four years ago.
SAN reduced dissolved copper and zinc concentration exceedances in collected stormwater samples. It met this goal via extensive sweeping of hot spots, frequent inspections of airport tenant areas and activities, and the expanded stormwater reuse and infiltration efforts.
There were only two fuel spills and four waste spills in 2021. There were no accidental discharges into the airport drainage system due to staff immediately addressing the incidents.