Bitimec Wash-Bots, Inc.

Greenwich, CT 06830


About Bitimec Wash-Bots, Inc.


15 E Putnam Ave
Greenwich, CT 06830
United States of America

More Info on Bitimec Wash-Bots, Inc.

In business since 1988, Bitimec has pioneered the field of mobile truck wash machines for on-road vehicles, on-rail vehicles, and utility-scale solar panel installations.

Our truck wash machines are affordable, bringing you the fastest, most cost-effective solutions. Replace a 6-person truck wash crew with 1 operator. Wash your vehicles in less than 8 minutes. 

Products and Press Releases

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Grounds Maintenance & Equipment

Go-To Machines for Shuttle Bus Washing

Nov. 6, 2019
Bitimec’s Wash-Bots have fast become the must-have machines for washing airport shuttle vans and buses world-wide. Wash-Bots are advanced, affordable, power-brush systems allowing...
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Grounds Maintenance & Equipment

Bitimec Offers Must-Have Machines for Airport Shuttle Bus Washing

Oct. 8, 2019
Top class airports such as SeaTac, SFO embrace Wash-Bots working world-wide, washing airport shuttle buses ranging from Sprinter Vans to Cobuses.

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