Norco Manufacturing Joins Forces With Wilson Doors
The parent company of Norco Manufacturing announcedtoday that it has acquired the assets of Wilson Industrial Doors of Elkhorn, Wis. The two companies both serve the large-scale industrial and hangar door markets and will operate intandem, maintaining their own sales, engineering and manufacturing operations.
The new alliance brings together complementary product lines and diversifies global marketopportunities. The infusion of new capital investment will reinvigorate Wilson Doors, whileoperating under Norco’s strong and stable management. Norco will continue to provide itssuperior bottom rolling doors and Wilson will offer its well-known Premier Aluminum Bi-folds,Commercial Bi-folds, Hydro-Tec Aluminum Single-Panel Hydraulic doors, and Roll-Tec™Modular Rolling doors.
“We’re bringing what’s best about the Wilson and Norco brands together under oneumbrella,” says Norco President and CEO David Eberle. “This will be a powerful force in theindustrial and hangar door industry that offers customers of both organizations more thanever before.
”From Denver to Dubai, Albany to Antarctica, Norco bottom rolling doors cover the openingsof facilities for aviation, military, manufacturing and marinas. Norco also serves the specialapplications and retrofit markets. The association with the Wilson brand will give bothcompanies greater presence in the commercial, residential and agricultural markets, whereWilson is a leader. No matter what size or type of opening, the two companies jointly cannow offer a door solution that meets the highest standards of performance and aesthetics.
“For five decades, Norco has provided a completeness in scope of responsibility,” notesEberle. “By consistently over-delivering on our promises for product quality, delivery andsupport, we have retained a highly loyal customer base. Wilson’s customers will now be ableto enjoy the benefits of this commitment.
”For more information on Norco Universal Door Systems, Wilson Doors or the acquisition,please contact David Eberle at (262) 835-2600 or [email protected].
###About Norco Manufacturing
Celebrating 50 years, Norco Manufacturing is the parent of Norco Universal Door Systems and works witharchitects, engineers and building suppliers in the design, manufacturing and installation of universal doorsystems for aviation, military, industry, marine, specialty applications and retrofits. Technical expertise, thelatest 3D modeling technologies, quality construction and after-sales support have established Norco as anindustry leader.
About Wilson Industrial Doors
Wilson Doors is a respected U.S. manufacturer of premium aluminum bi-fold doors, modular bottom rollingdoors, economical steel bi-fold doors, and single-panel hydraulic doors. Worldwide applications range fromaircraft hangars, industrial buildings and convention centers to museums, showrooms and eco-friendlyhomes.