Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month and 10 Years of Embracing Diversity
To the Industries We Serve:
As we move into the second half of Hispanic Heritage Month, we’d like to celebrate the Hispanic and Latin cultures, the workforce and the influences they added to America’s past and present. We will be celebrating the culture and the Hispanic aviation executives in our industry today in the coming days.
Embracing culture and diversity is nothing new to ACS Firm, (formally Aviation Career Services). Since our inception in 2010, we have placed a focus on diversity in people of color and women within the aviation industry. Due to our efforts and those of others, diverse executives have been placed in key roles within the U.S. domestic and international airports. In today’s climate of awakened awareness around inequality and systemic racism, ACS Firm remains committed to embracing diversity and equality in the airport and aviation industry.
CEO Eric Mercado believes that high-performing and profitable organizations foster a culture of inclusivity; inclusive of differences in ethnicity, gender, age, thinking, etc. Anything less is an injustice to the people our industry serves. Collectively, our industry needs to establish a solid commitment to and actively engage our counterparts to be a part of the necessary change for equality and treatment of people of color and women, much like Dr. Martin Luther King noted below.
“Make a career of humanity. Commit yourself to the noble struggle for equal rights. You will make a greater person of yourself and a greater nation of your country and a finer world to live in.” - Dr. Martin Luther King
Like the quote from Dr. Martin Luther King, ACS has been committed to equality in hiring practices for airport and aviation industries for the last 10 years. At ACS Firm, everyone has the opportunity to present themselves fairly and without bias, no matter their ethnic background, gender, age, etc.
And as we collectively work toward a more inclusive culture and workforce, helping others is as important to ACS as it was to Cesar Chavez.
“We cannot seek achievement for ourselves and forget about progress and prosperity for our community. Our ambitions must be broad enough to include the aspirations and needs of others, for their sakes and for our own.” – Cesar Chavez
“As CEO of ACS Firm, I firmly believe that airports and aviation-related businesses should be representative of the communities they serve.” ACS leads by example by employing a diverse team that includes different ethnicities, ages, genders and more. At ACS, advancing equality does not mean to discriminate or favor one group over another. To us, it means to treat everyone equally, no matter their diversity. We take the biases out of all we do and allow everyone to represent their best self; it’s the only way to achieve our goal of “Elevating the Industry.”
As we celebrate 10 years of embracing diversity, we ask you to partner with us? If you too would like to see progress, reach out to us so we can work together. It’s through unity, that large initiatives become reality.