Lincoln Airport Loses Atlanta Service, at Least One Daily Flight to Chicago Until May

March 24, 2020








Executive Director David Haring said Monday that the Lincoln Airport soon will be losing its daily service on Delta Airlines to Atlanta and at least one daily United Airlines flight to Chicago until at least May.

Haring said the airport also is seeing "a variety of day-to-day cancellations of other flights" because of the COVID-19 outbreak.

On Monday, the airport's website listed two flights to Chicago as canceled.

United already had announced plans to cut capacity by 50%, and Delta said it was planning at least a 40% cut because of the coronavirus-related drop in travel.

The cuts in flights come after the Lincoln Airport reported another strong month in February.

Overall traffic was up 5% at the airport compared with a year ago, thanks to strong performances by both its commercial carriers. That follows an 8% increase in January.

Delta Air Lines saw its traffic rise 14% year over year, while United Airlines had a 6% increase.

For the year, passenger traffic was up 7% through February.

Omaha's Eppley Airfield, which also saw a strong start to the year through February, is seeing flights cut, too.

An official there last week said he knew of at least three daily departures that were being cut from the schedule next month. On Monday, Eppley's website listed more than 20 canceled flights.

Reach the writer at 402-473-2647 or [email protected].

On Twitter @LincolnBizBuzz.

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