Laredo Airport's Growth Set to Soar Following $230M in Investments

July 30, 2024

Jul. 29—The expected growth for the city due to nearshoring, increased international trade and passenger traffic will positively impact Laredo International Airport.

This was discussed by Gilberto Sanchez, director of Laredo International Airport, in a recent interview with Laredo Morning Times.

Sanchez said that the airport was initially used by the United States military as a base during World War II and the Cold War. But in 1975, the federal government ceased using the airport as a military base, and Laredo International Airport was officially established.

Sanchez said that every year the volume of passengers continues to increase, which is great for the airport.

"From 2022-23, the utilization of our airport from passengers increased by 10,000," he said. "Based on our forecasts, we believe we are headed for our best year yet, with an estimate of 140,557 enplaned passengers this calendar year."

He added that the airport's cargo capacity fluctuates based on supply chain issues and product demand.

"During the pandemic, we had a significant increase in cargo activity at the airport, bringing in over 700 million pounds of gross landing weight," he said. "However, with over $230 million invested in our runways, taxiways, and cargo apron, Laredo International Airport is prepared for current and future demands."

Pressing challenges and passenger traffic

Sanchez also spoke about the challenges the airport faces, particularly the need to improve the aging infrastructure.

"Our terminal was built in 1998 and needs to be upgraded as most of the infrastructure and equipment has reached its end of life," he said. "My team has worked diligently in developing a plan to remodel our terminal. This project will replace our escalators, replace our roof, upgrade our restrooms and provide better amenities for our community.

Sanchez said they are able to implement this project because they consistently apply for grants to help with funding.

Sanchez said that currently the airport has three airlines serving the Laredo area: Allegiant Airlines, American Airlines and United Airlines.

On average, Laredo International Airport has enplaned 11,713 travelers monthly.

" American Airlines flies directly to Dallas, Texas; United Airlines flies directly to Houston, Texas; and Allegiant flies to both Las Vegas, Nevada, and the new route to Los Angeles, California," he said. "Our city has responded wonderfully to the new route. Since its commencement, the flight has had a load factor of 95% for the last few weeks.

"It's great seeing families show up at the terminal this summer, ready to travel and explore a new destination."

Logistics hub

Sanchez said free trade agreements like NAFTA and now USMCA have benefited the airport's cargo operations by enabling the expansion of trade and increasing efficiency in trade flows.

" Laredo International Airport serves as a crucial logistics hub with reduced trade barriers. Under USMCA, there has been an increased demand for air freight services, benefiting the airport," he said. "In addition, we are expecting growth in air cargo activity given the arrival of nearshoring in our region."

On average, 43,054,537 pounds of cargo land at the airport monthly.

He explained that the utilization of air cargo increased during COVID-19 due to the higher use of e-commerce and the maritime freight sector becoming unreliable due to container shortages and delays.

"Now, many air cargo companies are seeking ways to increase their capacity to provide freight services and meet the market's demands," he said.

Growth expectations

Sanchez said that growth for both passengers and cargo is expected at Laredo International Airport.

"We are continuously working on finding new routes to destinations our community wants, while also providing more flight times to our current destinations. For instance, American Airlines has added an extra flight and added a larger plane to their fleet to accommodate the growth we have been having," he said. "I expect that growth to continue, as more people are open to traveling now that the pandemic is over."

He added that they have been expanding their infrastructure to handle increased cargo volumes and actively promoting and recruiting more cargo carriers to operate at the airport.

"The air cargo industry has been experiencing growth driven by e-commerce, pharmaceuticals, and auto parts," he said. " The Laredo airport is well-positioned to capitalize on the growth in air cargo, driven by our strategic location, trade agreements, expanding infrastructure, and evolving industry trends."

Sanchez said that continued investment in infrastructure and logistics capabilities will be key to realizing the full potential of air cargo operations in Laredo.

Sanchez said they are also working on developing the land the airport owns, with a focus on attracting businesses that will increase air cargo and trade activity.

Finally, Sanchez said that aviation remains the safest mode of transportation and encouraged everyone to take advantage of the fact that Laredo has an international airport for their transportation needs.

"The biggest risk of any air journey tends to be driving to and from the airport. Next time you travel, take into consideration your time in the savings equation and the risk of driving to another airport," he said.


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