National Aviation Week Celebrated with $1.9M for Laredo Airport

Aug. 20, 2024
Funding will be used to assist with the rehabilitation of Taxiway A

Aug. 19—Rep. Henry Cuellar announced over $1.9 million in federal funding for the Laredo International Airport on Monday, Aug. 19, during National Aviation Week.

The same day, Laredo Mayor Dr. Victor Trevino officially proclaimed Aug. 19-25 as National Aviation Week in Laredo, a celebration annually observed to honor the rich history and continued development of aviation.

Cuellar said that the $1,921,611 in federal funding comes from this year's Bipartisan Infrastructure Law's Airport Infrastructure Grant Program (AIG). He said that $1.1 million of this funding will be used to assist with the rehabilitation of Taxiway A with a full-strength concrete pavement section.

"This would enhance safety and operational efficiency by reducing the potential of foreign object damage," he said. "The remainder of the funds will be used for the completion of two new connector taxiways that will enable the airport to comply with FAA Standards."

He added that the funds will allow the airport to continue to enhance safety measures on the airfield, allow the airport to comply with FAA standards, and encourage citizens to fly locally.

"Ensuring our airport's infrastructure is up to date means a stronger economy, more jobs and a better quality of life for the people of Laredo," he said. "These federal investments will also help our city keep pace with economic growth and increased tourism in South Texas."

Cuellar said that in the last 19 years, they have brought more than $229 million in federal funding for the airport.

"This airport is number eight in the state for cargo flights," he said. "And this is a very important airport, and it is historic because it is the first port which has customs pre-clearance cargo inspections from both Mexico and the United States."

Cuellar said that they put $30 million for the rehabilitation of the airport and that at this moment they are using $17 million for this purpose, leaving $13 million to work with. They want to find more money to complete the rehabilitation.

"We are also working on almost $62 million for the construction of two hangars and an administrative building for Air and Marine Operations that will have more planes and helicopters," he said. "That brings more security, but at the same time more pilots, more mechanics and more jobs for the Laredo community."

Gilberto Sanchez, Director of the Laredo International Airport, said that the funds announced and the celebration of National Aviation Week are very important to recognize the work of all those involved in the operation of the airport. .

"There has never been a recognition of the people who work in aviation in Laredo," he said. " The Laredo airport provides many direct and indirect jobs, and I think it is very important to recognize this."

He said 68 employees work daily at the airport, but on a day-to-day basis, between private planes, airlines, construction and other activities associated with the airport, they generate around 500 jobs.

Sanchez said Laredo International Airport is a terminal that was built 25 years ago, and they are remodeling the entire terminal.

"We are trying to put in newer technology in the baggage system, another baggage train for the returns and new passenger bridges to board the planes," he said. "That alone — to replace the four passenger bridges — is a project that costs $8 million, in addition to contemplating a system for the efficient control of light and air conditioning."

Sanchez asked for the understanding of the community during the process to complete the rehabilitation of the terminal.

"We continue working to improve the passenger experience. We are working with airlines to see if we can offer more routes and ask for their understanding because we are in the process of remodeling, a process that will take approximately two years," he said.

"All construction always brings headaches, but in the end it is so that our passengers and all airport users have a better experience."

During the event, Trevino made the proclamation of the National Aviation Week.

"We celebrate National Aviation Week, which in the past was just National Aviation Day, but the important thing is to recognize the advancement of aviation in the world," he said.

Trevino said Laredo International Airport is vital to Laredo, the No. 1 international trade port in the United States.

"We have to expand it, enable it with services and put emphasis on something as vital and important as the Laredo International Airport," he said.


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