Nearly 1,000 Attend LAX Business Opportunity Forum

Dec. 15, 2016

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti and Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) officials welcomed nearly 1,000 local business owners Dec. 14, and encouraged them to take advantage of the opportunities they will have during the estimated $1.8-billion second wave of contracts for construction of the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) Landside Access Modernization Program (LAMP).

Mayor Garcetti and airport officials spoke at the LAMP Business Opportunities Forum organized by LAWA to provide local business leaders an opportunity to find out more about the upcoming projects and to network with prime contractors planning to participate in the selection process.

“Los Angeles is a city of opportunity, and we want businesses of every size – and from every community – to understand how they can participate in the $14 billion investment we’re making at the airport,” said Mayor Garcetti. “The LAX modernization program has already created more than 40,000 construction-related jobs, and our small and local businesses can help create tens of thousands more in the coming years.”

“The Board is committed to a culture of opportunity and inclusion – small, local and diverse business participation in upcoming construction opportunities is one way LAWA is expressing its values,” said Los Angeles Board of Airport Commissioners President Sean O. Burton. “LAWA and the primes who will be responsible for delivering the key LAMP elements are looking for collaborative partners and will place specific and significant value on those that share these values.”

LAWA was the initiator of the City’s new Local and Local Small Business Enterprise Program ordinance that went into effect mid-November. The ordinance promotes inclusion of local businesses

by setting mandatory achievement levels for projects that provide sufficient subcontracting opportunities.

The forum was designed for the local and small business community to engage and have networking opportunities with firms proposing on three new LAMP projects,” said LAWA Chief Executive Officer Deborah Flint. “It’s essential that a program of this size and duration must create new jobs and opportunities, and the participation of LA’s small, local and diverse businesses will be one of the key indicators of success for Los Angeles World Airports.”
Attendees at today’s forum learned about the second wave of LAMP projects, valued at approximately $1.8 billion of the current overall $5.5-billion LAMP program. The largest project in this phase is the Consolidated Rent-a-Car (ConRAC) facility, a state-of-the-art center that will provide convenient access to the Automated People Mover (APM) System. Like the APM, it will be built through public-private partnership.

Also included in this wave are the Terminal Cores and APM Interfaces Project, which will make terminal modifications to improve passenger movement and provide connections to the APM, as well as LAWA Utilities and LAMP Enabling Projects.

Earlier today, a Pre-Statements of Qualification Conference was held for firms seeking information on the Request for Qualifications and procurement process for the ConRAC.

The overall LAMP will deliver a world-class transportation system for LAX that is designed to relieve traffic congestion within the Central Terminal Area and on surrounding streets, improve access options and the overall airport guest experience for travelers, and connect via a station to Metro’s light-rail system. Major components of the program are expected to be completed by 2023.