On track for ninth consecutive year of growth – More passengers than ever are choosing to fly from Heathrow with a record 61 million passengers (+0.7 percent) travelling through the UK’s hub airport already this year. This puts us on course to secure our ninth consecutive year of passenger growth
Investment in service driving growth – Better service for passengers continues to be one of the main drivers underpinning passenger growth. Service scores maintained their high with 82 percent of passengers rating their experience as either “Excellent” or “Very Good” following £489 million of investment to boost airport efficiency, resilience and security
Strong financial performance – Strong retail performance and more passengers pushed Heathrow’s revenue up to £2,302 million and increased EBITDA by 1.3 percent to £1,454 million. Adjusted profit before tax also strengthened by 40.1 percent.
Expansion benefits – The tangible benefits of expansion are already materialising. Virgin Atlantic outlined credible plans to create a second flag carrier at Heathrow with over 80 new services helping to drive down airfares through increased competition and choice for passengers. We are also currently reviewing feedback from our latest consultation and will submit our planning application next year
Reducing carbon emissions – Heathrow welcomes the Committee on Climate Change’s recent report recommending that aviation be included in the UK’s target to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. Heathrow will operate carbon neutral airport infrastructure from 2020 and we are developing a number of bold options to substantially cut or offset aircraft emissions associated with the airport. Alongside moves by airlines – including IAG’s recent announcement to offset all UK domestic flights from 2020 – the UK aviation industry is taking credible action to decarbonise